AP WORLD HISTORY DBQ WORKSHEET PROMPT Historical Thinking Skill (Compare, Change, Causation) Categories (Compare what? What kind of change? etc.) Time Period (remember: 18th century = 1700s, and so on) DOCUMENT WORK (preliminary) Document 1 Main Idea Outside Evidence HAPP (HIPP) Document 2...
临近考试,学生可以开始专攻写作了(尤其是DBQ)。建议一周完成1至2篇,考前保持手感。确保在考试前至少完成6篇写作。 备考书籍推荐 1)The Earth and Its Peoples:A Global History, by Richard W. Bulliet,这本书是大部分北美高中历史老师会选择的教辅,内容比较翔实,阅读性很强。 2)Princeton AP World History,这...
Contains way too much information that won't even appear on the new World History exam (for example, you don't need to study pages upon pages of ancient history when the AP test now has an exclusively modern focus!) Not detailed enough to use to study for assignments throughout the year...
united as one behind a single banner. This feeling was not shared by all Americans however. Many believed that it was wrong for the United States to impose it’s will upon other areas of the world. In (Document 2) they almost call out downright exploitation of native people. Many American...
Essay注意一定要写完就行了,就算是5页DBQ+只有两页半的short essay都是可以的。如果这样的话,五分基本就握在手里啦~祝大家复习顺利,考试都能摘得五分哦! 自学世界史 备考世界史的最大感受,就是不像美国史,有很多很多繁琐的细节,世界史总的来说脉络清晰,各时代各区域的联系性强,自学的时候要自始至终贯穿sim...
One of the best ways to prepare for the DBQ (the "document-based question" on the AP European History, AP US History, and AP World History exams) is to look over sample questions and example essays. Doing this will help you to get a sense of what makes a good (and what makes a ...
Get Access How Did Rome Lessen The Use Of Technology Dbq Tu Shih was a generous and peaceful governor. He loved the common people and wished to save them from having to do so much work, so he invented a water-powered blowing-engine to make the casting of iron farming equipment easier. ...
不过art hist我上过,在我们高中算history不算art,我觉得比所有历史类都容易太多。 stats 没上过,不过公认是数学里面最容易的 中等: European, world, US history,取决于你是否擅长写dbq,我觉得这三门都很难 biology, chemistry 我觉得都不容易,biology相对简单点 calc AB,BC,取决于你数学是否好 English lang ...
简单地来说,写DBQ是可以用套路的。第一步 阅读、分析题目中提供的document,并用一句话或一个词总结...
DBQ 关于Asian migration,是很重要但很好写的主题,评估亚洲移民劳工适应当地文化的程度。 虽然考查的是1850-1930的历史,但可以从Unit4、5、6、7提取知识进行写作。可以先写种植园经济发展催生三角贸易运输黑奴,然后启蒙运动兴起导致奴隶贸易终止,进而导致大批量亚洲移民来到美洲作为背景展开。