3. FRQ题目数量由4道题目变为3道题目,时间缩短为70min; 4. FRQ第一道题目变为实验设计分析题目,第二道题目为综合分析题目,第三道类似第二道题目但是会有计算题; 5. 可以使用计算器,大纲原话是“A four-function, scientific, or graphing calculator is allowed on both sectionsof the exam. ” AP 人文地...
历史和AP理科社科不同,刷题提不了分数,唯有提升对于事件的理解才可以。此外,选择题数量有限,不要浪费了,半个月或一个月做一套选择题即可,检测自己当前的水平。真题的真正用途是FRQ,尤其是官网上的评分标准和参考例文。SAQ看范文意义不大,主要看答案扩宽思路,考试时要很小心答题不能有史实错误。 在这里,我非常推...
Our choice for additional FRQ practice: CrackAP CrackAP.comis a great place to practice FRQs for the AP Human Geography test because it has a large number of free-response questions, scoring rubrics, examples of good essays, and tips and strategies to help students get better at analyzin...
1.笔记一定要整理,再精简 一般来说,在边读或边听lecture时写下的笔记都是非常琐碎、杂乱的。如果我...
We chose theStats Medic AP Statistics Free Response Questionsas our pick for an excellent FRQ practice resource in addition to the released exam questions from The College Board. Why We Chose It: FRQs include scoring rubrics and sample responses for each question ...
The AP Central Chemistry Exam website has examples of previous questions and scoring rubrics. Do some sample problems and then check your work against the key. In fact, you can take entire FRQ practice tests! The closer you get to test date the more helpful this will be. Set a timer...
I know it doesn’t change your daughter’s experience, but you should know that in a normal year, different FRQs would have different specific points in their rubrics, so we hope that a more challenging prompt will be graded slightly differently than a simpler one. There is no cap on spe...
Know the essay rubrics. 要熟知论文的打分纲领(5分) Start making study guides early so you aren't cramming off the book the night before the test. 尽早有个学习大纲,而不是临时抱佛脚(5分) Study a bit every week and don't lose your notes. Practice writing essays if you can and know what...
Offers detailed explanations and examples of how to approach and structure FRQ and DBQ responses to maximize points Includes practice prompts and sample responses, with grading rubrics and scoring guidelines provided Created and maintained by an experienced AP World History teacher, with input and contr...
FRQ的准备和Language and Composition一样,去CB官网下载历年真题和高分范本后仔细研究。另一方面,FRQ”第三篇是open essay,围绕给定主题从自己的积累里找素材“,推荐在考前阅读一些文学名著,“精读一到两篇长篇小说/戏剧,再加两三部小说/戏剧用来保险“。 非精读的小说/戏剧,除了可以查阅维基百科外,在此还推荐一个...