Concentrate on general themes of each of the 9 eras, in terms of mainly political timelines. Don't forget to focus in each era on how the U.S's role in the world changed and how it's economy transformed to suit the world market. Focus on era themes and connect specific ideas to cer...
在DBQ和Long Essay中,这样的技能尤其重要,因为题目考查的往往是某一时期的某一具体主题,答题时最好联系到这个主题在之前和之后的历史时期中都有哪些体现,并分析其起因与发展。 下面罗列一些美国历史的重要专题: African Americans, women’s rights, immigration and migration, labor unions, economic policies, Republ...
ExploreagenericsetofAPEnglishessayrubrics MeetYourTrainers Welcometoourwritingtrainingprogram.Obviously,ifyou’vedecidedtopurchaseand “Thetaskofawriterreadthisbook,youalreadyhaveaninterestinwriting.Goodforyou.Now,takeamoment consistsinbeingabletoclarifyforyourselfwhyyoufeeltheneedfortraining.(Checkthosethatapply....
· A single rubric will now be used for the long essay question. · The rubrics describe more clearly what students will need to do to earn each point. The 2018 rubrics will be available in early August. Additionally: We reduced the number of AP European History and AP World History learn...
The exam format and rubrics will stay the same, in alignment with the other two AP history exams. Some content (i.e., world religions) from Periods 1–3 will be reviewed in Periods 4–6. Some content clarifications will be provided. ...
The exam format and rubrics will stay the same, in alignment with the other two AP history exams. Some content (i.e., world religions) from Periods 1–3 will be reviewed in Periods 4–6. Some content clarifications will be provided. ...
I've been teaching World History for over 15 years at both the high school and college levels. I also help score the free response answers for theAPWorldHistoryExam and am very familiar with the rubrics and how to earn... 5.0(23) ...
I have had to learn to modify my course requirements as my schedule shifts, perhaps using assignments that are easier to grade and relying on rubrics for essay grading. Also consider how well prepared your students are when they enter your classroom. What grade level are they? Have they had...
The AP Language and Composition exam has two sections: a multiple-choice section with 45 questions, and a free-response section with three essay questions—one synthesis prompt, one analysis prompt, and one argument prompt. But not all AP Lang practice tests are like the real exam, and they...