总分要拿满分的5分,总分7分的Document Based Question (DBQ) 最少要拿5分,总分6分的Long Essay Question (LEQ) 最少要拿4.5分。不怎么运用你所知道的史实写出逻辑通顺、结构清晰、有说服力的essay你也拿不到高分,所以你还一定要学会怎么写出符合AP要求的论文。 论文的要求相当于大一水准,而写学术论文是有它...
writing section占了apush 60%的分数 也就是说即便mc全对 writing只对一半的情况下 也很容易痛失五分(去年apeuro惨痛的教训啊...)也千万不要想着说构思一下就完事了 你已经在巩固知识点上花了这么多功夫 刷题是千万不能slack off的 建议掐时间全部写完! 不是写完就完事了!强烈建议写完之后 跟着grading rubric...
It's a smart idea to incorporate additional background knowledge into your DBQ and Long Essay responses on the AP US History test. It shows that you've mastered the material and can connect themes to what you learned in class and not just what was presented to you in the question. That ...
Here is a compilation of scoring guideline changes to the 2020 AP Exams: AP History Exams: European History, US History, World History (modified DBQ rubric) History Exams will be scored on a scale of 10 points instead of 7. The modified DBQ rubric requires that students use fewer document...
If you miss class, you can depend on one of your class allies to be able to explain the content you missed in a way that makes sense to both of you. If you’re looking for someone to peer-edit your lab report or DBQ, an ally is often more likely to give you straight-to-the-po...
也是很自然的,dbq这种上来直接丢给大家十个document然后让大家在50分钟内总结分析,写出一篇流畅的文章,还能每段都扣上essay的topic和rubric上的给分点的,确实会给没联系过ap文科系写作的同志们带来很大的困难。 在经历了二刷已经帮助历史基础一般的同志复习并也刷出5分之后, 认为这4个part的难度实际上是这样的...
AP US History(简称APUSH)这里不会对美国历史的考点和应试方法,例如如何写DBQ,SAQ,LEQ, 做详细展开 ...