AP美国历史 2014年真题 (选择题+问答题) AP United States History 2014 Released Exam and Answers (MCQ+FRQ).pdf,United States History Practice Exam Effective Fall 2014 Practice Exam Exam Content and Format The 2015 AP U.S. History Exam is 3 hours and 15 mi
1.AP U.S. History Course and Exam Description (CB官网资料) 一个考试没有大纲怎么行?虽然说单看大纲有点抽象,但是至少学习的框架已经建立。重点关注key concept和historical thinking skills(逻辑关系)。怎么用容我后面来说。 链接:apcentral.collegeboard.org 2.Direct Hits Us History in a Flash 墙裂推荐!
® AP World History 2010 Free-Response Questions The College Board The College Board is a not-for-profit membership association whose mission is to connect students to college success and opportunity. Founded in 1900, the College Board is composed of more than 5,700 schools, colleges, universit...
- AP US History 美国历史 最有用的是College Board官网上的Course Description,里面介绍了每个时代的大趋势和需要掌握的概念,可用于梳理在教材和教辅中读到的知识点,针对因英语能力欠佳而读教材困难或因缺乏historical thinking skills而无法纵观大局的同学尤其有用——毕竟要学好美国历史,比起背下详细事件更需要清楚认...
France Unemployment Rate: MCQ Homework Homework Statement One month the actual unemployment rate in France was 13.4%. If during that month you took a SRS of 100 Frenchmen and constructed a confidence interval estimate of the unemployment rate, which of the following would have been true? A) ...
AP化学 张珊著作.pdf,Part1STRUCTUREOFMATTER Part1 STRU TUREOFMATTER 第一部分 物质结构 3 CCChhhaaapppttteeerrr111 STRUCTURE OFTHE ATOM 第一章 原子结构 Charge to mass ratio Oil drop experiment Experiments Gold foil experiment Develop
需要额外付费,但提供的在线题库既包括AP考试中的MCQ选择题,也包括FRQ选择题目,学生可以在线订正并收到反馈。 8 TEDEd 网址:ed.ted.com/lessons? TEDEd为学生和教师都提供了简短而直接的科普视频,由专业演讲者来讲述与环境科学有关的主题内容,可以给学生提供额外的思考和学习拓展。 9 Switch Energy Alliance 网址...
完一遍amsco,做notes辅助理解记忆,在配套hiemler history,mcq拿下 找老师上课或者自己琢磨写法,每个大事件都记几个specific concept,免得写的时候知道一件事情但是举不出例子 于不喜欢历史只是想拿5分的人 大家555555555555 于 2023-03-04 16:02 赞同添加评论 分享喜欢收起 用户 ...
AP化学 张珊著作.pdf,Part1STRUCTUREOFMATTER Part1 STRU TUREOFMATTER 第一部分 物质结构 3 CCChhhaaapppttteeerrr111 STRUCTURE OFTHE ATOM 第一章 原子结构 Charge to mass ratio Oil drop experiment Experiments Gold foil experiment Develop