AP English Literature FRQ1和2的rubric基本一致;评分标准主要分为三部分:1. thesis 2. evidence and commentary 3. sophistication。其中第二部分为学生需要重点阐述的部分。 对于所有的问题类型都需要做到可以阐述3个问题: 1. Level 1: Facts (文本的basic information ...
也是很自然的,dbq这种上来直接丢给大家十个document然后让大家在50分钟内总结分析,写出一篇流畅的文章,还能每段都扣上essay的topic和rubric上的给分点的,确实会给没联系过ap文科系写作的同志们带来很大的困难。 在经历了二刷已经帮助历史基础一般的同志复习并也刷出5分之后, 认为这4个part的难度实际上是这样的...
• The AP Art History Reading • What did students bomb? • Goodbye to the legacy Test • The test: MCQ’s, FRQ’s, long essays • APAH Practice Exam & sample questions • Analyzing and writing new MCQ’s • Analyzing and writing new FRQ’s 7. Structuring the class: Strate...
make such assignments available to you for practice and can even allow students to self-score FRQ questions, lessening the workload of the teachers and allowing you to interact with an AP style rubric simultaneously. Each question is AP level and has a detailed explanation for each answer ...