These are the actual free response questions from 2015 through 2018. They are all based on the revised APUSH test, with short answers, DBQs, and long essay questions. DBQ Video This video by JoczProductions has step-by-step instructions on how to write the APUSH DBQ. You may want to wa...
毕优课程|AP美国历史 冲刺2024年5月大考FRQ&DBQ高分! AP历史考试通常难度都较高,不仅仅是要学习大量知识内容,还得要有批判性思维,不然你的FRQ和DBQ肯定拿不到高分,而决定AP成绩的关键,又是这些essay部分。毕优国际的国际课程部已经开设了AP美国...
关于大题目,CB官网给出了历年真题和详细的答案范例和学生sample(不得不佩服美国老师好多student sample的...
That depends on you. If you don’t want to only use your notes, there are tons of resources out there, and a lot of them are free too. College Board has anAP US History pagewith an official practice test which can help you get comfortable writing both the LEQ and the DBQ within the...
One of the best ways toprepare for the DBQ(the "document-based question" on the AP European History, AP US History, and AP World History exams) is to look over sample questions and example essays.Doing this will help you to get a sense of what makes a good (and what makes a bad)...
History来展开讲讲: 1. 除了CB的资料,教辅书我推荐的是AMSCO和Direct Hits。AMSCO讲的内容很详细,适合你学习知识点的适合用。通过阅读它的text,你也可以学习应该怎么写历史essay,尤其是怎么描述背景信息(contextualization),这一个任务在DBQ可是自己就占了1分的哦!Direct Hits的更薄,内容更精华,但是知识点都是...
New 2021 APUSH books from Larry Krieger: “Fast Review” and “Doing the DBQ” by Erica L. Meltzer | May 5, 2021 | AP Larry Krieger, my friend, colleague, and APUSH master extraordinaire, has just released two new guides for the 2021 AP US History Exam. The Insider’s Fast Review ...
DBQ: Do not try to use all of the documents in your DBQ answer. In fact, it is better to effectively use less than to ineffectively use more. A good rule of thumb is to use at least 6 documents well to prove your thesis. Also, make sure to use at least one piece of evidence ...
Given the smaller sample size of questions, to what extent could students control their score outcomes? Did a student who would’ve gotten a 5 on a traditional AP Exam get a 4 because they were unlucky at what the shortened exam covered; did a student who would’ve gotten a 4 on a tr...