在全球6700名学生中,有2名学生在今年的AP拉丁考试中获得了满分。 多项选择题:学生在Vergil syllabus readings普遍表现最佳;对大多数学生来说最具挑战性的AP拉丁的问题是,Caesar’s Bellum Gallicum翻译的Book 5(Q2)。 German Language 成绩分布 5分 22.6% 4分 24.5% 3分 28.8% 2分 17.4% 1分 6.7% 今年的A...
5.Comparative Government and Politics 今年比较政府的分数似乎是近年来最高的。学生在大不列颠、墨西哥和伊朗的DBQ上得分很高。学生觉得困难的问题有Q1(政权更迭,政府改变)和Q5(法治)。 6.US Government & Politics 总的来说,今年的分数略有下降。学生在多项选择题,特别是关于公民信仰和行为的问题上的成绩依旧很好。
2014-2015 AP® United States Government and Politics Syllabus ASTEC Charter High School Mr. Scott NationSupport: If a student is ever in need of help, he/she is always welcomed to see the teacher at any time. Study groups and sessions will be set up before and after school throughout ...
US Government and Politics美国政府与政治Statistics统计学Macroeconomics宏观经济学Microeconomics微观经济学 比较容易拿分的课程 其实心理学的争议还是比较大的,有些人认为好学,有些人认为难度系数还是不小的,包括很多学习AP课程的童鞋,基本上选择心理学的也不少。但对于学习心理学的童鞋来说,除了要会背,还有一个就是:...
Once you have all your documents gathered, compare your class's syllabus with the AP Course and Exam Description. Your class should cover all the major content areas—the syllabus had to get approved by the College Board, after all! That said,teachersdohave some discretion on the specifics ...
artworks are just so grand and powerful. Next I am going to talk about some strategies I have used for preparing AP AH XM. 这段为方便理解,我直接用中文了 ap巴朗很suck的一点是它是黑白的,建议配合syllabus上的彩图使用。它没cover所有的内容,但是主要的都包括了 一定记某个时代的contexual ...
AP US Government and Politics, AP Environmental Science, AP Human Geography, AP Human Geography, AP Comparative Government and Politics, AP Psychology. Who can write Advanced Placement tests? Different tests target different groups of students. Some students sit for the test after grade 10, while ...
Example of the Construction of a One-Semester Course Syllabus (16 Weeks of Instruction, Plus Review Week) Here is a simplified version of how you might start out constructing your own AP Comparative Government and Politics syllabus. First, simply allocate your time. Determine when you have mid...
governmentstatesunitedpoliticspoliticalassignment APUnitedStatesGovernment&PoliticsA.J.DimondHighSchool—Mr.LemWheeles—Fall2013CourseDescription:WelcometoAdvancedPlacementUnitedStatesGovernmentandPolitics.Thiscourseisdesignedtogivethestudentabasicunderstandingofpoliticalscience,thehistoryoftheAmericanpoliticalsystem,andthecurr...
The exam is designed to test the knowledge and expertise of candidates in their respective fields. The APSET syllabus for Paper 2 is as follows: Section Topics History ● Business Environment and International Business● Business Economics● Business Finance● Legal Aspects of Business Human Resource...