AP U.S. Government & Politics是一门对学生批判性思维要求很高的课。除了理解知识点外,也很考验学生...
如何自学AP US Government and Politics? AP US Government and Politics考核学生的整合和分析信息的能力,以及讨论和推理案例的能力。AP US Government and Politics涉及的知识面广,涵盖内容较多,但难度倒不算太高,尤其对于偏文科或者文科强的学生。 学习AP US Government and Politics可以多看点新闻和历年考题,刷题。
AP® U.S. Government and PoliticsThe College Board is a not-for-profit membership association whose mission is to connect students to college success and opportunity. Founded in 1900, the association is composed of more than 5,000 schools, colleges, universities, and other educational ...
This app is designed to help applicants take a deeper understanding of the relevant concepts for the AP(Advanced Placement) US Government. It measures your progress in a clear and intelligent manner to motivate you to learn quickly. The practice tests simulate the actual test environment and typic...
Unit 2 Interaction Among Branches of Government Unit 2中也考察了非常多常规的出题点,例如有关Separation of Powers和Checks and Balances等核心知识点都有考察。 14个需要熟记的Supreme Court cases中的Marbury v. Madison (1803),在该判决中大法官John Marshall正式建立Judicial Review (司法审查权) 也有考到。此...
iPhone Description 2022-2023 Exam Prep Access to all resources No subscriptions or monthly payment No In-App purchases Features: 1. AP US Government and Politics Practice Exams 2. Vocabulary Flashcards With information at our fingertips, it is necessary for students to feel confident when approachin...
Studying and passing your AP US Government & Politics Test will never be easier. WE PROMISE! Over 700 questions included. Take advantage of our PASS OR ITS FREE GUARANTEE Your new best friend in learning an AP US Government & Politics Practice Test takes test preparation to a new level. Stu...
5 Steps to a 5: 500 AP U.S. Government and Politics Questions to Know by Test Day gives you 500 practice questions that cover the most essential course material and help you work toward a 5 on the test. The questions parallel the format and degree of difficulty that you’ll find on ...
The federal government is about to transition from one that prioritized safeguards for artificial intelligence to one more focused on eliminating red tape.
US$4.99 截屏 iPad iPhone 简介 iScore5™ APHG is a test prep app to get students ready for the AP® Government & Politics exam. The app created by EXPERT teachers for AP GoPo Students. The goal is simple: Help students maximize their scores on the AP exam in a FUN way. Every...