In that page you will find “Important Links”. Tap that link. It opens a list of question papers, what you need to is to select the question paper of the exam in which date and session (morning or afternoon) you have written the exam. The candidates waiting for AP DSC results had a...
BSEAP will announce the toppers list this year is still a question. Last year, the AP Board had decided to not release the toppers. As per media reports, last year, an official stated - "...All the school managements are prohibited to decl...
(Guam Doctrine) Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)—Tom Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries Hayden, Al Haber (OPEC) Tax surcharge Operation Rolling Thunder “Teach-ins” Paris Accords, 1973 Television war “Peace with honor” Tet Offensive Pentagon Papers “The whole world is ...
这些模型的预测能力是否依赖于深度理解,仍是学界关注的重要问题。来自伦敦政治经济学院的 Philipp Schoenegger 等国际团队,联合其他机构的 Indre Tuminauskaite 和 Philip E. Tetlock 等,设计实验探索这一问题。他们特别关注如何利用“群体智慧”(wisdom of the crowd)效应提升模型预测能力。 研究人员使用12个不同LLMs...