AP 行动优先不只是 H-高/M-中/L-低,还有一种NFAN(No Further Action is Needed) 或者称作为NFAR (No Further Action is Required)上面的简化AP table 等效于AIAG VDA FMEA Handbook 中AP逻辑表,根据简化表不难看出,其实S, O,D评价表无需按照10个区分等级来设定,例如O=4~5她就是一个分级,分的等级...
In your FMEA Worksheets, the AP and Revised AP columns will include the Priority designation (H, M, or L) and also be color-coded (red, yellow, green) for easier viewing. The AP values are determined based on the following table: ...
表2 设备可用率可靠性质量要求Table 2 AP1000 production & reliability requirement质量要求R类物项R-1 R-2 R-3 NR工业标准 Y Y Y -运行经验报告(OPEX) Y Y - -设备失效模型效果分析(FMEA) Y - - - 4 AP1000自主化依托项目质量保证要求 AP1000自主化依托项目总承包合同中对核岛各层次、各类别、对安全...
25、leneck,projectdifficulty工程瓶頸glove(s)手套glove(s)withexposedfingers害Q手套Band-Aid創可貼Industrialalcohol工業酒精broom掃扌巴mop拖把vacuumcleaner吸塵器rag抹布garbagecontainer灰箕garbagecan垃圾箱大风起今云飞扬garbagebag垃圾袋liaison聯絡單rags抹布lampholder燈架tomopthefloor拖地tocleanatable擦桌子airpipe氣管de... Text, Tables and Figures AP1000 DCD tables of data are identified by the section or subsection number followed by a sequential number (for example, Table 3.3-5 is the fifth table of Section 3.3). Tables are located at the end of the section immediately following the text. Drawings...
AP1000缩略词及系统缩写.doc,AP1000 缩略词 2-D two-dimensional 二维 3-D three-dimensional 三维 AABVS Auxiliary / Annex Building Ventilation Subsystem 辅助/附属厂房通风子系统 AAS Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer 原子吸收分光光度计 ABB Asea Brown Boveri C
to clean a table擦桌子 air pipe氣管 delivery deadline交貨期 die worker模工 production, to produce生產 equipment設備 resistance電阻 beacon警示燈 coolant冷卻液 crusher破碎機 club car高爾夫球車 plate電鍍 power button電源按鍵 reset button重置鍵 forklift叉車 Workshop traveler天車 trailer =long vehicle拖板車...
指明公司策 划的 核心角 色指 明车型生产线执行小组的核心角 色关 键 点项 目计划概览 Alpha 材料需要日期Beta 材料需要日 期样 件 /GAMMA 材料需要日 期设 计结束日期PPAP 最终提 交按 节拍生产完成日 期试 生产日 期系 统填充开始APQP 启动会 议提 交时间进度 表过 程 FMEA可 行性书- 设计- 样件...