AP Lang的rubric, 滑动上下查看(来源:Collegeboard) 1.把thesis写清楚,可以用XXX, however, XXX或者under XXX(conditions),XXX的模板,既要避免绝对,也要明白地显示出自己的立场。 2.论据和论证要充分到位。用证据的话一个自然段基本2-3个左右,每个证据...
AP LANGUAGE AND COMPOSITION – GRADING RUBRIC – SYNTHESIS ESSAYEssays earning a score of 3 meet the criteria for the score of 4 but demonstrate less understanding of the cited sources, less success in developing their own position, or less control of writing....
而对于三篇essay来说,最重要的就是按照rubric一条一条达到,再加上全文的结构清晰,就会拿到分。三篇essay虽然写法上区别很大,但是评分标准都是相似的: 1.把thesis写清楚,可以用XXX, however, XXX或者under XXX(conditions),XXX的模板,既要避免绝对,也要明白地显示出自己的立场。 2.论据和论证要充分到位。用证据...
If you're looking for even more information on scoring, the College Board has posted the AP Lang Free Response grading rubric on its website. (You can find it here.) We recommend taking a close look at it sinceit includes additional details about the synthesis essay scoring. Don't be in...
tion”onwhichyourinstructororexamcreatorrequiresyoutobaseanassignedessay.It isyouressayassignment.ThesecondisRUBRIC.Arubricistheprofessionalwordfor asetofratingstandardsemployedbythereader(s)ofagivenessay. InChapter5weworkwiththeprocessofreadingandworkingtheessayprompts. Rightnow,let’stakeacloselookatrubricsused...
· The synthesis point has been removed from both rubrics. · Students will have 10 more minutes to answer the DBQ and long essay question. · A single rubric will now be used for the long essay question. · The rubrics describe more clearly what students will need to do to earn each ...
虽然用的例子是美国历史的例子,但是AP美国史、欧洲史、世界史从2017年开始essay official grading rubric...
previous work from the research process. Be sure to consult the “Synthesis Essay Rubric” that can be found in the following pages before turning in the final draft. The synthesis question should follow the typical format as seen on the AP exam. This project should be turned in as follows...
也是很自然的,dbq这种上来直接丢给大家十个document然后让大家在50分钟内总结分析,写出一篇流畅的文章,还能每段都扣上essay的topic和rubric上的给分点的,确实会给没联系过ap文科系写作的同志们带来很大的困难。 在经历了二刷已经帮助历史基础一般的同志复习并也刷出5分之后, 认为这4个part的难度实际上是这样的...
• The essay: a quick review • A final word of advice on writing your essays • Analyzing literature • Practicing • Self-evaluation rubric for the free response essays • Self-evaluation rubric for the synthesis essays • Summing it up ...