The AP Stylebook and Briefing on Media Law, a spiral-bound style manual produced by the world's leading news agency, is an essential handbook for all writers, editors, students and public relations specialists. The 2010 edition provides fundamental guidelines on spelling, grammar, punctuation and ...
APap帮助pdf美联社写作美联社写作指南 Stylebook andBriefingonMediaLaw withInternetGuideandGlossary AssociatedPress Clickheretosearch TheAssociatedPressretainsallright,titleandinterestinandtothe APmaterialthatfollows,includingcopyright.Thismaterialmaynot beresold,sublicensed,ordistributedwithoutwrittenpermission.The APStyle...
Stylebookand Briefing on Media GuideandGlossaryAssociated PressClickheretosearchThe Associated Press retains all right, title and interest in and to theAP material that follows, including copyright. This material may notbe resold, sublicensed, or distrib