• For book titles, computer games, movies, operas, poems, etc, capitalize all the principal words (including prepositions and conjunctions of four or more letters), as well as the first and last words.• Put quotation marks around all such titles except the Bible and books that are ...
• Titles of newspapers and magazines: - Do not place these titles in quotation marks. - Capitalize the in the name if that is the way the publication prefers to be known. - Lowercase the before names if listing several publications, some of which use the as part of the name and some...
Use quotation marks around the titles of books, songs, television shows, computer games, poems, lectures, speeches and works of art. Examples: Author Porter Shreve read from his new book, “When the White House Was Ours.” They sang “The Star-Spangled Banner” before the game. Do not us...
2014 AP Stylebook 与 Defense Imagery Style Guide 指南
9 Foxlair Drive • Spell out and capitalize First through Ninth when referring to a street name: First Street, 10 Avenue Composition Titles (Pages 55-56) • For book titles, computer games, movies, operas, poems, etc, capitalize all the principal words (including prepositions and ...
Businessguidelinesandstyle304 AGuidetoPunctuation325 BRIEFINGONMEDIALAW Foreword340 Introduction341 WhatIsLibel?342 LiabilityforRepublication343 Privileges344 Defenses349 SupremeCourtDecisionsRegardingLibelLaw353 SummaryofFirstAmendmentRules358 PublicandPrivatePlaintiffs359 ...
titles, Trans World Airlines; Correctives and Clarifications (in Briefing on Media Law), Photo Captions, Filing the Wire (category codes), Filing Practices, About the AP. Deletes: director, host, housing unit, National Conference of Catholic ...
Never use these. For those of you used to italicizing certain titles, you will usually be using quotations instead. [WpProQuiz 4] . . Quotation marks Always use double quotation marks. If you need to put quotation marks inside your double quotation marks, use single marks. If you need to...
Vince Lombardi’s Packers say don’t call Chiefs’ quest for 3 straight titles a first 4 mins ago WM’s zero-waste approach to golf’s raucous Phoenix Open catching on in the sports world 10 mins ago Kentucky lawmaker points to Biden pardons as reason...
Judge disagrees with Soto’s conclusion that Mets have better chance for titles than Yankees Why can’t Kyle Larson win the Daytona 500? Jeff Gordon believes defeats are ‘getting in his head’ Notre Dame moves up to No. 1 in AP poll for first time sinc...