“The things that are really rules usually relate to the most basic parts of grammar—capitalization or punctuation … but once things get more complicated, you’re often relying on styles,” Fogarty said. Let us know your favorite AP style updates in the comments or what house style you fre...
An investment product, like a mutual fund or anExchange Traded Product (ETP), that invests primarily in large, value-oriented US stocks—primarily large cap stocks, or those in the top 70% of the capitalization of the US equity market. The large value style is generally based on low valuat...
The strike price of the call determines the degree of bullishness of the strategy. The further the call moves out-of-the-money, the more bullish the strategy becomes. Rules: The strike price of the put must be less than the strike price of the call option with the same expiration date....
it's not possible to avoid computers altogether any more than one can do entirely without food in working with food addiction. "You need to train yourself to do more things away from the computer" and make "positive lifestyle changes". In considering the alternative to vigilance, she noted ...