AP Style + APStyle Tuesday,October14,2013 + WhatisAPStyle?A wayofwritinginaspecialformatthatisusedbymostnewspapersintheU.S.+ Whyshouldyoucare?Standard formatfornewspaperssolittletimeneededtoeditstories.isimportantastherenewspaperstaffsaregrowingsmallerandtheyhavelesstimetofactcheckandeditstoriesbefore...
Abbreviate Ave., Blvd., and St. and directional cues when used with a numbered address. Always spell out other words such as alley, drive and road. If the street name or directional cue is used without a numbered address, it should be capitalized and spelled out. If a street name is ...
AP Style 指南 - 英语版说明书 Updated 3/13 1 " AP S tyle Quick R eference G uide Addresses (Page 6)• Use the abbreviations "Ave." "Blvd." and "St." only with a numbered address: "1600 Reynard St."• Spell these words out when used without a number: ...
Use a two-letter postal code abbreviation only with a full address that includes zip code. Do not abbreviate states in headlines or titles. These are times when it is acceptable to use abbreviation: Lists Tables Datelines Photo captions Political party affiliation State abbreviations: Examples: The...
For U.S. cities that do not stand alone, not all states are abbreviated. Spell out Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho, Maine, Ohio, Texas and Utah. Abbreviate the others (this list includes abbreviations for the stand-alone states as well, even though those abbreviations are never used in datelines):...
Abbreviate states according to the AP Style cheat Sheet 12 - + Commas In a simple series, AP doesn't use a comma before the last item. For a series of complex terms, though, use commas after each for clarity. 13 - + Numbers and Numerals ...
States • Spell out the names of the states when they appear alone: The governor of Massachusetts was re-elected. • Abbreviate the names of states when they appear with the name of a city, town, village or military base: Waltham, Mass., Hanscom Air Force Base, Mass. • Do not ...
Lastly, every state in the United States has a specific abbreviation for you to follow. It may seem hard to remember what you can abbreviate or not, but you’re welcome to refer to the online AP Stylebook, which has the updated list of which words can be abbreviated. However, seeing a...
Abbreviation foruser interface. OK to use in developer materials. In user materials, useinterface. UK No periods. OK to abbreviate or to spell outUnited Kingdomas a noun. Use the abbreviation for the adjective form. ultra (prefix) Close up except before a vowel. ...
States • Spell out the names of the states when they appear alone: The governor of Massachusetts was re-elected. • Abbreviate the names of states when they appear with the name of a city, town, village or military base: Waltham, Mass., Hanscom Air Force Base, Mass. • Do not ...