BC的话,如果已经有一些微积分基础的话直接看Barron就行,还有Khan academy,EdX这些网站提供免费讲课视频 Stats的话可以先看Barron之类的,然后不懂的话有一个叫onlinestatbook.com的网站,你可以挑AP考试范围内的看 还有AP BC和Stats一定要去看free response的scoring guideline!!!看应该怎么答题,特别是没有老师教的情...
This edition guides studentsthrough an intuition-based learning process that stresses interpretation and communication of statistical information,while preparing your class for all four parts of the AP* exam. More than 50 new examples and more than 270 newexercises, which use data from current ...
AP比较政治的考试形式由选择题 + 5 short answers +1 conceptual analysis + 2 country context questions组成。后面的三个其实都是短答题,并不是proper long essays。所以考试对写作要求没有想象中的高。 TIPS AP政治学的内容上属于比较“文科”,但是考试不要求写hardcore长论文。所以这个组合还蛮不错。 两门政治...
Does manipulating the answer choices change the response? (Example: One group gets a spread of answers to choose from that is wider/more varied than the other group.) Proposal: The proposal will be worth 25% ofthe grade, so dont do a rush job. If the proposal is not approved thefirst ...