dot3StatsTable详细描述 该表包含以太网类型的接口统计信息。 该表的索引是:dot3StatsIndex。 OID 节点名称 数据类型 最大访问权限 含义 实现规格 dot3StatsIndex INTEGER read-only 能唯一确定一个以太网接口的索引值。 实现与MIB文件定义一致。
dot3StatsTable详细描述 该表包含以太网类型的接口统计信息。 该表的索引是:dot3StatsIndex。 OID 节点名称 数据类型 最大访问权限 含义 实现规格 dot3StatsIndex INTEGER read-only 能唯一确定一个以太网接口的索引值。 实现与MIB文件定义一致。
Rate table has 650 entries (20 legacy/224 11n/406 11ac) POWER TABLE FILENAME = ram:/U2.bin Radio1 present 8864 8000 0 80000000 80100000 4 POWER TABLE FILENAME = ram:/U5.bin Radio2 not present 0 0 0 0 0 8 This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to United States ...
Default dscp2dot1p Table Value: [0]->0 [1]->2 [2]->10 [3]->18 [4]->26 [5]->34 [6]->46 [7]->48 Active dscp2dot1p Table Value: [0]->0 [1]->2 [2]->10 [3]->18 [4]->26 [5]->34 [6]->46 [7]->48 Qos Policy Maps (DOWNSTREAM) no policymap Qos Stats (...
Qos Stats (DOWNSTREAM) total packets: 0 dropped packets: 0 marked packets: 0 shaped packets: 0 policed packets: 0 copied packets: 0 DSCP TO DOT1P (DOWNSTREAM) Default dscp2dot1p Table Value: [0]->0 [1]->-1 [2]->1 [3]->-1 [4]->1 [5]->-1 [6]->1 [7]->-1 ...
Rate table has 650 entries (20 legacy/224 11n/406 11ac) POWER TABLE FILENAME = ram:/U2.bin Radio1 present 8864 8000 0 80000000 80100000 4 POWER TABLE FILENAME = ram:/U5.bin Radio2 not present 0 0 0 0 0 8 This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to United ...
386 78 20 4 years ago StreamTable.js/789 StreamTable.js streams data for tables in the background, updates and renders them using templating frameworks like Mustache.js, HandleBars.js 387 80 4 1 year, 11 months ago data.js/790 data.js 是带有消息通知的数据中心,我称其为会说话的数据。旨在...
file link 'grid.table' in package 'gridExtra' does not exist and so has been treated as a topic ttheme_set html *** copying figures ** building package indices ** installing vignettes ** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location *** arch - i386 *** arch - x...
进入后发现无法进入configuration t 由于AIR-LAP1131AG-C-K9是瘦AP无法单独使用,需要转换成胖AP才可以。 需要将AIR-LAP1131AG-C-K9需要刷新成为胖AP,先下载AIR-LAP1131AG-C-K9胖AP的ios。 下载完成之后,还需要设置一个TFTP,这里我使用的是3CDaemon的,在D盘设置一个ciscotftp文件夹,留存放上面的AIR-LAP1131AG...
POWER TABLE FILENAME = ram:/U5.bin Radio2 not present 0 0 0 0 0 8 This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to United States and local country laws governing import, export, transfer and use. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not imply ...