总体上讲,AP数学课程的考试形式基本相似, 对于大多数学生来说,虽然Stats需要记忆的内容比Calculus多一些,但它的概念比Calculus容易一些,是相对简单的考试。 Statistics 的考试形式 和Calculus AB/BC的考试形式相同,它依然分为单选题(Section I - multiple-choice)和简答题 (Section II - free-response) 两个部分。...
Section I: 40 multiple choice questions (1 hour 30 minutes), 50% of exam score Section II: 11 multiple choice questions (25 minutes) and 4 free response questions (1 hour 5 minutes), 50% of exam score Regardless of which administration you take, the exam will test your knowledge of...
BC的话,如果已经有一些微积分基础的话直接看Barron就行,还有Khan academy,EdX这些网站提供免费讲课视频 Stats的话可以先看Barron之类的,然后不懂的话有一个叫onlinestatbook.com的网站,你可以挑AP考试范围内的看 还有AP BC和Stats一定要去看free response的scoring guideline!!!看应该怎么答题,特别是没有老师教的情...
Princeton Review has a free AP Statistics exam that you can download after you create a free account on their website. The questions are fairly good representations of actual AP Stats questions, but there's a significant problem:there's no way to learn what the correct answers are!It appears...
AP Statistics:Find all the best AP Stats practice tests, notes, outlines, and free response questions. The AP Practice Exams statistics page also features some great online textbooks, tutorials, and videos. More Test Prep Resources ACT & SAT Websites:ACT Test ReviewandSAT Test Prep. ...
More practice with released free-response questions After the exam Days 76—85: Book Review and Presentation AP Stat Experiment (see attached) Attachments: Duck Shoot There are 12 brothers at a shooting galleryat the state fair. Each brother is a perfect shot. Twelve cardboardducks appear simult...
•500 AP-style questions and answers •Detailed review explanations for right and wrong answers •Close simulations of the real AP exam •Updated material that reflects the latest AP exam This free application includes all questions in Chapter 1 - Overview of Basic Statistics (1-20). The...
Cowboys restructure Prescott and Lamb deals, but any impact on free agency is murky March 6 Guard Joel Bitonio will return for 12th season with the Browns March 6 Eagles retain All-Pro linebacker Zack Baun before he tests free agency March 6 Seahawks star wide receiver D.K. Metcalf...
AP Statistics Textbooks are required to take the exam, which consists of 2 sections. The first is a multiple choice section that has 40 questions and lasts 90 minutes, and the second one is a 6 question free response section that lasts 90 minutes. They both account for 50% of your exam...
今年AP统计的考试结果出来之后,来自全中国209所学校4311名学生的平均得分是3.31(全美国所有考生的学生得分是2.86),5分率为24.8%。就六道free response questions而言,得分情况如下: (来源:AP Annual 2016 Conference,College Board) 可见,统计学的得分情况相对于中国学生较擅长的数理化经等科目,优势并不突出。这是因为...