One of the biggest differences between education today and education a couple of decades ago is the understanding of just how importantunderstandingis. That is, to really learn about something, teachers need to make sure students understandwhysomething is, not justwhatthe answer is. So...
①里边有FRQ,包括计算器的使用说明。②有比较详细的对知识点的说明。③题目与真题有一定区别。④题目有价值,但题量少。 4. AP Statistics Crash Course 特点: ①排版简洁、行间距大。②阅读体验好。③有简单的知识点复习。④题目与真题略有出入。 5. 5 Steps to a 5/500 分为两本:辅导书(左边)+练习册(...