AP统计考前Checklist,看完不丢冤枉分! FRQ考试策略 1. 开始答题之前,先浏览全部的6个问题,找出自己最有把握回答的题,把这些题做了。此外,第六个FRQ题(称为“investigative task”)占FRQ部分的25%,通常需要25-30分钟才能完成,不推荐大家把它放到最后做。 2.写...
网址如下: https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/courses/ap-statistics/exam/past-exam-questions 总的来说大家只要好好复习,注重分析过程。按照要求作答,一定能够取得满意的成绩。 物理1 1. 答题角度 不要从数学的角度,要从物理的角度理解公式定性/定量分析。...
2. AP Calculus BC(微积分BC):备考时长约为8-10个月,内容涵盖了微积分AB课程的全部内容,以及更深入的积分和级数等内容。 3. AP Statistics(统计学):备考时长约为6-8个月,主要学习要点包括数据收集与分析、概率、统计推断等统计学的基本概念和方法。 4. AP Biology(生物学):备考时长约为8-10个月,主要学...
AP统计学 2008年真题 (选择题+问答题) AP Statistics 2008 Released Exam and Answers (MCQ+FRQ).pdf,Advanced Placement Program ® AP Statistics Practice Exam ® The questions contained in this AP Statistics Practice Exam are written to the content speci
AP Statistics 考试全程可以使用计算器,要求考生熟练掌控图形计算器,包括数据描述、图形匹配、概率计算、区间估计和假设检验,推荐TI系列,比如TI-84,TI-89或者TI-Nspire等,其中TI-Nspire是操控界面最简单的。课堂活动及作业作业很少,会给不少练习但大多数时候不计分,课上的时候讲课速度相对算比较慢的,也会带着做很多...
简答题FRQ部分 ●题量不变:保持原有的两道题数 ●考题变化:Article Analysis Question (AAQ) + Evidence-Based Question (EBQ) ●rubrics变化 2025年AP心理学考试首次推出两个新的自由回答问题,两者都以该领域的研究为特色,评估了学生们的多样化技能。
In most colleges, however, you will see that they have different score requirements for different subjects. A university might accept a 3 in AP Statistics but a 5 in AP English Language. Also, the number of credits offered for a particular exam score varies from college to college. Below is...
FRQ responses are either typed directly into a compose window in the testing interface or hand-written on blank paper for hybrid tests (Biology, Calculus, Chemistry, and Statistics). After the completion of a hybrid test, students are prompted to use their phone to photograph and save their wo...
1、2018AP Statistics-Response Questions© 2018 The Colleg. Colleg, Advanced Placement Program, AP, AP Central, and the acorn logo are registered trademarks of the Colleg. Visit the Colleg on the Web: .AP Central is the official online home for the AP Program: .2018 AP® STAT 2、IS...