AP Research and AP Seminar are not assessed with a traditional AP exam. If you want to know the format and question weighting for each AP with an exam, scroll to find the subject areas that apply to you. Arts AP Art History: 3 hours Section 1: Multiple Choice 80 Questions | 1 Hour ...
I have had schedules, for example, that require teaching five sections of students, which might include AP United States History, a law seminar, a government and economics section, as well as both AP United States and Comparative Government and Politics. In another year I might have two very...
—Gary Hatch, Brigham Young University, Salt Lake City, Utah 13 Chapter 2 • Conduct a Socratic seminar on a text, with students generating questions and sharing opinions in a respectful dialogue (see Teri Marshall's syllabus in chapter 3 for advice on using Socratic seminars in your class)...