然后单击“Your past score orders”,打开“My Scores Sent to Colleges”标签,按大学或日期列出过去的分数发送记录。打开“My Orders”标签可以查看详细信息。 Q:我去年寄过分数,我...
For example, Brown University doesn’t accept AP scores for course credit but will allow students to place into upper-level classes with their scores! You can use the College Board's AP Credit Policy Search, but be sure to confirm the information with each of your prospective colleges since ...
For students dedicated to pursuing art in the future, studying AP Art courses and submitting AP Art scores to colleges and universities can be a top priority for their applications. However, for students not pursuing art-related majors, AP Art courses...
Step 4: Send AP Scores to Colleges and Universities For schools to award students credit for AP courses, students will need to send their score reports to the college or university they plan on applying to or attending. There are several ways to send scores. On the day of the AP exam, ...
COVID-19 has disrupted many of the usual metrics for college admissions—virtual classes have made grades less reliable, and the limited availability of SAT and ACT test locations has forced many colleges to temporarily adopt test optional policies. Great AP exam scores can be the factor that ma...
学生可以使用自己CB账户的用户名和密码登录分数报告系统: 然后单击“Your past score orders”,打开“My Scores Sent to Colleges”标签,按大学或日期列出过去的分数发送记录。打开“My Orders”标签可以查看详细信息。大学在做录取决定时会看AP考试...
reports as required by colleges, do you wish to self-report scores or future test dates for ...
The impact of this decision on many students who have worked hard all year to prepare for this opportunity is undoubted. Students unable to submit AP Exam scores for admissions or credit will be able to provide university admission offices with a letter from College Board verifying local exam ca...
Many students check the AP credit policies of colleges they plan to apply to before deciding which AP course to take.
1左中括号2023年AP成绩公布左中括号今年AP成绩将于7月5日陆续公布,CB会发送官方通知,以邮件形式发送到考生CB绑定的邮箱。考生可以通过自己的AP学生账号在线查询成绩。AP考生也可以登录以下网址进行AP查分,或扫描下方二维码一键直达AP成绩查询网站:进入网址后选择“View ...