近日,上海诺美学校迎来了又一则好消息,上海诺美学校获得美国大学理事会批准,正式成为AP授权学校了,授权号694144。 Recently, Shanghai North America International School (NAIS) got good news that College Board has approved NAIS to be in the AP school list (CEED Code: 694144). 由此694144将会专属于上海...
4. 学生毕业年月 5. 目前所在高中以及school code 6. 目前居住国家、城市、地址及邮编 7. 手机号码 8. 邮箱账号(填注册College Board账号时所用的邮箱) 9. 学生目前所在年级 10. 家长姓名 11. 家长最高学历 12. 家长手机号码 13. 家长邮箱地址 14. 报名科目(正常...
历史与社科类:AP比较政府与政治 AP欧洲史 AP人文地理 AP宏观经济学 AP微观经济学 AP心理学 AP美国政...
https://hs-articulation.ucop.edu/agcourselist输入学校名字可以查看。 想验证学校是否通过WASC 认证,打开链接http://directory.acswasc.org/ 输入学校名字搜索。 想验证AP 课程开设学校是否被College Board 确认及具备提供考试的资格,打开链接https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/k-12-school-code-search ...
This is the page ofArmed Forces Pacific, it contains county, city, ZIP Code, population, school list and other information aboutArmed Forces Pacific. Basic Information Country: U.S. - United States State: Armed Forces Pacific Armed Forces Pacific Abbreviation: ...
AP Psychology Practice Exam From the 2016 Administration This exam may not be posted on school or personal websites, no
p0dalirius / WifiListProbeRequests Sponsor Star 28 Code Issues Pull requests Monitor 802.11 probe requests from a capture file or network sniffing! ap wifi probe capture discover sniffing Updated Jun 26, 2024 Python johnsonjh / NeXTDSP Star 25 Code Issues Pull requests NeXTDSP ap ...
. . . In Item 3, write the school code you printed on the front of your Student Pack in the boxes. . . . Read Item 4. . . . Are there any questions? . . . I need to collect the Student Pack from anyone who will be taking another AP Exam. You may keep it only if you ...
You will use a different school code so your exam score(s) will be reported separately from the school at which you test. (Homeschooled students will use the state home schooled code provided by the Coordinator on the day of the exam; students attending schools will use their school co...