5. Project Arkhaia: AP Tiered Readings 网址: https://lapis.practomime.com/index.php/operation-caesar-reading-list 该网站提供现行AP拉丁语教学大纲中维吉尔和凯撒选段的分层阅读。每一节的行文或章节都被改写成不同的难度等级,第2层...
在网上可以搜到AP English Literature的reading list,原著肯定是要多读的。不过不靠长期积累,想看完也是不太现实的。这个时候就可以借助一下SparkNotes了…… 写作的话要多多看看别人的高分答案,模仿一下文风。写完后最好找 『英语老师』看一下。这里我指的不是ESL的英语老师,而是英语国家的语文老师。我当时是有一...
Composition的准备,首先是可以参考一些美高课程syllabus中要求的reading,去有方向性地拓展阅读量。同时配合巴郎、普林斯顿教辅来学习基本的修辞技巧,以及阅读”The Language of Composition一书,来学习改革后的术语(比如)rhetoric situation等等”。词汇的掌握的话,建议至少到达巴郎3500的水平,另一个个人比较的书是Princeton R...
Reading 1/35 创建者:Crimson_Neige630 收藏 AP 官方课程:拉丁语 Latin(2020年完整) 9.9万播放 Unit 1 Review — Aeneid Book I, lines 1-49 - YouTube 44:03 Unit 1 Review — Aeneid Book I, lines 50-91 46:49 Unit 1 Review — Aeneid Book I, lines 92-156 ...
Updated [hour]:[minute] [AMPM] [timezone], [monthFull] [day], [year]December 7, 2022 Pennsylvania campaign wildcard Fetterman turns to governing HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — When John Fetterman goes to Washington in January as one of the Senate’s new members, he’ll bring along an irrever...
[转载]2022年AP《音乐理论》官方复习课 1131播放 第1讲:Contextual Listening Strategies and Examples 53:55 第2讲:乐谱分析策略和范例 54:30 第3讲:视唱的点子和策略 50:13 第4讲:Score Reading Skills A Game Plan for Success 45:20 第5讲:Part Writing An Aural Approach 44:05 第6讲:Part Writing...
December 1, 2022 Illinois Dems tighten parts of criminal justice overhaul SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) — More crimes, including some nonviolent offenses, would be added to a list that could disqualify defendants in court from being released while awaiting trial under follow-up legislation filed Wedne...
The sports polls are a weekly tally tracking the evolving dynamic throughout each sport's season of play. In contrast, the AP Top 25 Movies ranking is a single definitive list reflecting the entire 2022 calendar year. “I’ve been mimicking the AP College Football poll...
2022 plan for mostly in-person advanced placement exams. the organization, which administers the ap program, will reconsider its procedures if there are widespread school closures due to a sudden uptick in covid-19 cases. however, here is what students can expect as of now for the 2022 ap ...
其实这也不算冷知识,英国大学对申请者阅读量的重视是出了名的,牛剑G5名校的大部分专业都有针对申请学生的Reading List。 虽然这只是“建议阅读清单”,但这些阅读内容也会以考题的形式出现在面试中,此外,学生在面试中展现得阅读理解能力也是面试官考察的重要标准。