英文原版 Princeton Review AP Psychology Premium Prep 21st Edition 普林斯顿评论AP心理学 增值版 第21版 2024 进口英语书籍点击进入9.9元专区>> ¥174.00 降价通知 限时抢 距结束还剩2天05:23:09 限时抢 暂无评分 0人评分精彩评分送积分 作者 The 查看作品 出版 Princeton,2019年01月 查看作品 分类 ...
《英文原版 Princeton Review 普林斯顿 AP考试备考指南 心理学 2021 高级版 Princeton Review AP Psychology》,作者:英文原版 Princeton Review 普林斯顿 AP考试备考指南 心理学 2021 高级版 Princeton Review AP PsychologyPrinceton Review 著,出版社:Penguin UK,ISBN
The workbooks contain practice drills and two full-length sample exams. AP® Psychology This comprehensive student workbook prepares students for the AP® Psychology exam. It includes concise summaries of each chapter, along with AP®-style multiple-choice and free-response practice questions that...
Over time, psychology has evolved into a field that helps explain why people think, feel, and act in different ways. It is no longer just about theories, as psychology plays a role in mental health, education, business, and everyday interactions. With new research, technology, and education ...
Chapter 1: The Science of Psychology (Practice Questions) 18個詞語 estephanymarcial22 預覽 Subject Control Arrest Techniques 134個詞語 kmiller0793 預覽 Ch 11 Psychology Test Yourself 20個詞語 lafeablushes 預覽 MKTG 329 Exam 1 57個詞語 tatemmoody 預覽 Intro to Psychology Exam 1 review 1-3 53個...
This updated manual presents an extensive subject review covering all test topics plus three full-length practice tests that reflect the actual AP Psychology Exam in length, subject matter, and degree of difficulty. All test questions are answered and explained. Test topics reviewed include research ...
Barron's AP Psychology 优点:紧贴AP心理学考纲,深度剖析考纲,并且还配备了练习题和测试题及讲解,适合初学者用于全面学习。 不足:对于部分专业名词的解释不够全面。 以上介绍的经典AP教辅仅是本次大礼包中的“冰山一角”,想要领取更多AP科目的精选教辅以及AP名师独家整理的5分笔记(之前仅开放给内部学员),在大考前...
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Mix of biological perspective, psychology, and social-cultural perspective Mary Calkins First female president of the APA Charles Darwin Natural selection and evolution; evolutionary perspective Dorothea Dix Reformed mental institutions in the US Stanley Hall First president of the APA First journal William...