当当华研外语旗舰店在线销售正版《AP Computer Science A Premium 2024 6 Practice Tests+Comprehensive Review+Online Practice巴朗AP计算机A备考指南》。最新《AP Computer Science A Premium 2024 6 Practice Tests+Comprehensive Review+Online Practice巴朗AP计算机A备
AP Computer Science A Practice Test 20: Sorting and Searching. This test contains 7 AP computer science a practice questions with detailed explanations, to be completed in 16 minutes.
AP Computer Science A Practice Test 11: Program Design and Analysis. This test contains 11 AP computer science a practice questions with detailed explanations, to be completed in 25 minutes.
基本方向: Computer Science/Computer Engineering细分方向: Software Design/Game Design/AI/Machine Learning/Data Analysis其他: Statistic/ Biomedical Statistic/Commerce AP CSA学科介绍 Part 2 考试介绍 考试形式 College Board于7月26日凌晨宣布...
如果你打算自学AP CSA,只推荐一本书的话,那肯定是《Barron's AP Computer Science A Premium 2022-2023 6-Practice-Tests》。这本书是AP CSA考试的经典教材,涵盖了完整的课程内容和大量的实践题。知识点深度和广度都很适合AP CSA,既不会太简单,也不会太复杂。 其实,AP CSA的考题难度并不大,主要考察的是一些...
AP Computer Science A Practice Tests:海量真题,助你熟悉考试形式。 AP® Computer Science A | Practice | Albert:在线练习,随时随地进行。📖阅读材料推荐:《Barron’s AP Computer Science a: With 6 Practice Tests》:详细解析,提升解题技巧。《
☞ AP微观和宏观经济学的教材推荐:《AP Microeconomics / Macroeconomics with 4 Practice Tests》作者:Frank Musgrave 本书是巴朗AP系列教材之一,全书知识点章节划分清晰,详细讲解各知识点;跟考点结合较紧密,适合备考。《 5 steps to A AP Macroeconomics 》作者:Eric R. Dodge 本教材十分适合初学者入门,...
Comprehensive test prep and practice exams for AP, CLEP, teacher certification, PRAXIS 2, college admissions and other exams
AP Computer Science A Practice Test 3: Classes and Objects. This test contains 11 AP computer science a practice questions with detailed explanations, to be completed in 25 minutes.