setherselfapartthroughpoetryandledherreaderstoafullerawarenessoftheplightofslaves intheUnitedStates.Inthelater1800s,averyeloquentex-slaveFrederickDouglassspokeon behalfofhisrace,expertlymanipulatinghiswordsintoanextremelyeffectiveweapon.Douglass’s masteryoflanguageearnedhimgreatrespect,aninvitationtotheWhiteHouse,and...
Looking at examples of actual prompts for both classes can also help you get a sense of how they differ. For AP Language, you can readall of the recent past free-response topics here, and you canread all the recent past AP Literature free response questions here. Difference 1: AP Language...
Some love to read and write poetry. Others cannot devour enough of the latest best sellers and some are eager for us to recommend what we think is the greatest novel ever written. But, no, we do not see them roaming the hallways with the script of a play that they have chosen to ...
This excerpt can be any genre of literature, from poetry to fiction. A literary analysis is the application of critical thinking to a literary passage to achieve a greater understanding of the purpose of the text. Instead of paraphrasing or directly quoting an excerpt, a literary analysis goes ...