11.Electric charge, field, and potential电荷、电场和电势 12.Circuits电路 13.Magnetic forces, magnetic fields, andFaraday's law磁力、磁场和法拉第定律 14.Electromagnetic waves and interference电磁波和干扰 15.Geometric optics几何光学 16.Special relativity狭义相对论 17.Quantum Physics量子物理学 18.Discoveri...
because I felt like I had time to actually teach a bunch of first-year students all the things they need. While I love fluids, it puts AP1 back into a course that students will need a very strong math (especially trig) background and probably a cursory understanding of physics, if they...
AP物理1 最新版官方样题 选择题+问答题+公式汇总 (含答案) AP Physics 1 Formulas + MCQ + FRQ Sample Questions.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 AP物理1最新版官方样题选择题+问答题+公式汇总(含答案)APPhysics1FormulasMultiple-Choice+Free-ResponseSampleQuestions(with...
because I felt like I had time to actually teach a bunch of first-year students all the things they need. While I love fluids, it puts AP1 back into a course that students will need a very strong math (especially trig) background and probably a cursory understanding of physics, if they...