首先肯定是刷past papers,除此之外大家还可以做一些学科思维挑战活动的题目,锻炼学科思维的灵活性,比如我当时就额外做了一些Physics Bowl的题目。 图片来源 网络 剑桥大学的面试题,基本上是大家没有见过的题目,因此积累和巩固学科相关的知识非...
网址:www.physicsandmathstutor.com revisionworld 专门做GCSE和A-level复习,学科资料比较全,有视频。 网址:www.revisionworld.com www.gcse.com 这是专门针对GCSE考试复习的网站,涵盖多个学科,知识点比较全。 PapaCambridge 上面有全科每届的pas...
成绩的计算:CAS不算分,EE和TOK 的组合 A+A=3分 /A+B=3分 / B+B=2分 /B+C=1分。如果都...
比如AP物理1,2,C都属于A Level物理里,所以不要觉得A level中选课少就会比学习AP轻松~...
The valid subject groups for class XII marks are Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics (PCM) and Physics, Chemistry, Biology (PCB). For candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, there will be no specified qualifying marks.
AP SSC 2022 Question Papers AP SSC Class 10 Physics Question Paper 2022 AP Board SSC Sample Papers Solving sample papers is one of the best ways for students to prepare for the exams. It helps them understand the exam pattern, important topics to focus on, frequently asked questions etc. It...
AP Physics 1 Practice Test 36More Tests Real AP Past Papers with Multiple-Choice Questions Question: 63 3. If a roller coaster cart of mass m was not attached to the track, it would still remain in contact with a track throughout a loop of radius R as long as A. v≤ B. v≥ ...
AP SSC Class 10 Physics Question Paper 2022 AP SSC Model Papers AP SSC model papers or sample papers are blueprints of the actual question papers that appear in the SSC board exam. Solving sample papers helps students to prepare for the exams by understanding the exam pattern, important topics...
These mock tests are created with the latest syllabus and exam pattern in mind; hence they are preferred to previous years’ question papers. By attempting the tests regularly, you get a prior experience with the examination, as well as the experience of what it feels like to sit in the ...
I have been teaching both SL and HL physics to students here on preply. In fact a majority of my students here follow the IB curriculum. For theory as well as exercises I use the book "Physics for the IB Diploma" by KA Tsokos. I have also collected past question papers (both SL and...