【AP Physics C】物理C Mechanics共计12条视频,包括:Rotational Kinematics、momentum of inertia、torque等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
AP物理C力学 AP Physics C Mechanics 课堂讲义 (教案学案) 上 AP-C 1D Motion AP-C Objectives (from College Board Learning Objectives for AP Physics) 1. Motion in one dimension a. Students should understand the general relationships among position, velocity, and acceleration for the motion of a ...
AP物理C力学 AP Physics C Mechanics 课堂讲义 (教案学案) 下 AP-C Impulse and Momentum AP-C Objectives (from College Board Learning Objectives for AP Physics) 1. Impulse and Momentum a. Relate mass, velocity, and linear momentum for a moving object, and calculate the total linear momentum of...
双语字幕AP Physics C Mechanics系列1 - 角动量与转动碰撞(AP 官方)Angular M. Rotational Collision 59 -- 47:02 App 双语字幕AP Physics 2系列4 - 热力学的主要概念(AP官方) 44 -- 48:29 App 双语字幕AP Physics 2系列5 - 电场与电势能(AP官方) 79 -- 43:41 App 双语字幕AP Physics C Mechanic...
通过研究扭矩和旋转静力学、运动学和动力学,您将深入了解旋转运动。 主题可能包括: 扭矩和旋转静力学 旋转运动学 旋转动力学和能量 角动量及其守恒 关于考试:多项选择题分数的 14%–20% 第6单元:振荡 您将探索导致对象以规则模式重复其运动的力。 主题可能包括: ...
AP Physics C – Mechanics:AP物理C–力学批注本地保存成功开通会员云端永久保存去开通 Room 207 E-MAIL ADDRESS: dlabarbera@vcmail.ouboces.org WEB PAGE: http://www.vcsd.k12.ny.us//Domain/248 POST SESSIONS: TUE. – FRI. COURSE DESCRIPTION The New York State course in Regents Physics is an ...
prepare the students for the AP Physics C Mechanics Exam in May. Any student who has completed a year of physics and will concurrently take calculus are eligible for the class. This class meets everyday for a 55 minute period. The first week of class, will be ...
The course utilizes guidedinquiry and student-centered learning to fosterthe development of criticalthinking skills.2013-2014Syllabus AP Physics–C: MechanicsPage2of15Course Goals:The Learning Promise:oCritical Thinking: Testing a hypothesis, creating an idea, solving a problem.oCreativity:To use ...
The individual topic page will show all the suggested skills.BIG IDEASBig Ideas spiral across topics and units.Change Fields Force Interactions Conservation1234567CHAINTFLDCON Course at a Glance Plan The course at a glance provides a useful visual organization of the AP Physics C: M... 文档...