选这题的原因就是解释一下上面的几个性质 首先,整个导体电势相同,所以说表面是个等势面 其次,电荷分布在它表面 同时,因为表面是等势面,所以说电场方向垂直(也就是选出C的理由) 左边那个小球曲率更大,那它表面聚集的电荷更多(怎么判断曲率,大家可以看它的R,R越小,曲率越大) 曲率--curvature 电势能 单看计算...
Prerequisites:AP Physics C Mechanics and Calculus concurrent (no exceptions). Having taken AP Statistics or taking it concurrently will be helpful but is not required. Use of Calculus:This course requires the use of calculus. A high level of skill in algebra is essential. ...
PHYSICS C: ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM SECTION II Time—45 minutes 3 Questions Directions: Answer all three questions. The suggested time is about 15 minutes for answering each of the questions, which are worth 15 points each. The parts within a question may not have equal weight. Show al...
AP Physics 1 Syllabus_dgende.docx - South Kitsap … 热度: AP Academic Seminar 热度: Mr.Hester WelcometoAPSeminar APSeminarisafoundationalcoursethatengagesstudentsincrosscurricularconversationsthatexplorethecomplexitiesofacademic andrealworldtopicsandissuesbyanalyzingdivergentperspectives.Usinganinquiryframework,stude...
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Infrared photography descends from a time when photographers were expected to be quite knowledgeable about physics, optics, chemistry and mechanics as well as the arts of the subject matter. That was before you could buy it from the Mind of Minolta. I-650-09CRRNJ HighCrossingNearHamptonFurnace01...
2 内部资料 严禁外传 Fig.1.2 Mechanical engineering is the branch of engineering that deals with machines and the production of power, applying the principles of physics and materials science for analysis, design, manufacturing, and maintenance of mechanical systems. It is particularly concerned with ...
Kenneth Rideout M.SJonathan Wolf M.A. Ed.M