PhysicsC:ElectricityandMagnetism 2008Free-ResponseQuestions TheCollegeBoard:ConnectingStudentstoCollegeSuccess TheCollegeBoardisanot-for-profitmembershipassociationwhosemissionistoconnectstudentstocollegesuccessand opportunity.Foundedin1900,theassociationiscomposedofmorethan5,000schools,colleges,universities,andother ...
AP physics C EM 笔记 每周末会更新 9 0 2024-10-20 20:00:01 您当前的浏览器不支持 HTML5 播放器 请更换浏览器再试试哦~1 投币 1 1 希望大神多多指点,如有不足请指出 你不是真正的快乐 又来学点小知识 知识 科学科普 大学 课程 学习 物理 笔记 必剪创作斯瓦...
选这题的原因就是解释一下上面的几个性质 首先,整个导体电势相同,所以说表面是个等势面 其次,电荷分布在它表面 同时,因为表面是等势面,所以说电场方向垂直(也就是选出C的理由) 左边那个小球曲率更大,那它表面聚集的电荷更多(怎么判断曲率,大家可以看它的R,R越小,曲率越大) 曲率--curvature 电势能 单看计算...
Prerequisites:AP Physics C Mechanics and Calculus concurrent (no exceptions). Having taken AP Statistics or taking it concurrently will be helpful but is not required. Use of Calculus:This course requires the use of calculus. A high level of skill in algebra is essential. ...
Kenneth Rideout M.SJonathan Wolf M.A. Ed.M