Overall, AP exam passing rates reveal a success rate of more than 50% in every subject, with minor exceptions like AP Physics 1. AP courses and exams are challenging, but the reward of passing is worth the hard work and effort! If you are curious how other students performed on the 2023...
5. Practice using actual AP test questions (including FRQs) You shouldn’t walk into the test room in May having never practiced an AP US History FRQ (seriously, those things are hard!). Learning that you need to practice time management when your timer suddenly rings and you’re still...
2, 3, 4, or 5 on the AP Physics C: Mechanics exam: Percent of students receiving a 5: 30.2% Percent of students receiving a 4: 27.3% Percent of students receiving a 3: 19.7% Percent of students receiving a 2: 12.7% Percent of students receiving a 1: 10.0% In 2019, here are the...
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