APPhysics C: Electricity and Magnetism 重点信息: 1.在今年参加AP物理C:电磁学考试的16,000名学生中,有2名考生获得了90/90的满分。 2.MCQ题型:考生们在Unit 3电路中得分最高,15%的考生获得了7分中的6分及以上。而最具挑战性的试题是Unit 5电磁学,平均得分率为36%。 3.FRQ题型:同样的考生在Q2实验设计...
AP物理1(AP Physics 1)AP物理2(AP Physics 2)AP物理C力学(AP Physics C: Mechanics)AP物理C电...
AP物理1是典型的入门课程,课后可以看一下Walter lewin的mit physics1 因为是实录的公开课,所以试卷分析和考前复习视频可以酌情不看,这个公开课以实验展示为标准。课后可以看一下《高中物理学》如果极限追求难度推荐黑白本,和更高更妙的物理。 物理2属于开玩笑课程,AP成绩没有办法换学分,虽然包括了流体力学,电磁学,...
AP_Physics_B-_SHM SimpleHarmonicMotion APPhysicsB SimpleHarmonicMotion Backandforthmotionthatiscausedbyaforcethatisdirectlyproportionaltothedisplacement.Thedisplacementcentersaroundanequilibriumposition.Fsx Springs–Hooke’sLaw OneofthesimplesttypeofsimpleharmonicmotioniscalledHooke'sLaw.Thisisprimarilyinreference...
AP 官方课程:物理Physics 1(2020年完整) 国际教育Ace老师 02:11 5个AP自学网站 豆知教育 58260 AP 微积分 BC 中文讲解课程 共16节课 完整课程 LevelAlpha牛津师兄 17:02:26 AP微积分AB&BC 5分精讲班(AP Calculus AB&BC)【中文授课】含电子讲义 ...
Category Archives: SHM Oscillations and Gravity Unit Posted onDecember 8, 2017byadmin—No Comments ↓ LR and LC Circuits Posted onMarch 31, 2017byadmin—1 Comment ↓ LR and LC Circuits Posted onMarch 30, 2017byadmin—No Comments ↓ New Release: The AP Physics C Companion: Mechanics...
Time-saving lesson video on Ohm's Law with clear explanations and tons of step-by-step examples. Start learning today!
Students have published the firstPhysics in Actionpodcast episode of season 3, featuring a look at physics in the Star Wars universe, a retro-styled look at Newton’s Laws of Motion, and an investigation into springs. You cansubscribe for free through iTunes, ordownload directlyfrom theAPlusPh...
AP Physics equations Density Equation 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 ρ = m / V 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 建立者 arnavs1353 5個月前建立 Summer Terms 學生們也學習了 單詞卡學習集 學習指南 radar test 1 34個詞語 Unit 4 Physics 19個詞語 Physics Concepts 8-12...
Time-saving lesson video on Momentum & Impulse with clear explanations and tons of step-by-step examples. Start learning today!