最推荐的部分是AP Biology相关,有合集整理,配图新颖有趣,可以拿来当教学ppt的细致程度,适合新生。它的AP physics1视频也适合小白入门,大概率比你学校老师讲得清楚。其余学科更推荐已有基础的AP学子遇到费解的问题时搜索关键词找到对应视频看(没有完整合集整理)。02 生物相关 Youtuber 7. 扒掉生物老师的底裤:B...
This calculator is based on the 2016* released exam with the latest scoring guidelines, such as these. Your score on the grading curve: 0%10%20%30%40% Why is my grade curved? Once the total composite scores are calculated, Collegeboard curves them differently each year to keep consistent ...
lang=zh-CN四、统计相关推荐:14. youtuber:Michael Porinchakhttps://www.youtube.com/@mporinchak15.不全面但是深入的学习网站:statisticsby Jimhttps://statisticsbyjim.com/五、统计指标计算网站(当你忘了带图形计算器回家):1...
calculator volume calculator volume of a cylinder calculator z score calculator variance calculator more physics calculators power calculator voltage drop calculator chemistry calculators molarity calculator commerce class 11 commerce syllabus class 11 accountancy syllabus class 11 business studies syllabus class ...
If the student does not want to use the calculator you provide or does not want I to use a calculator at all, he or she must hand copy, date, and sign the release statement on page 47 C of the AP Coordinator’s Manual . S 2 231 Physics 1 and Physics 2 Students may have no ...
6. AP Physics 1(物理学1):备考时长约为8-10个月,主要学习要点包括运动学、力学、能量守恒、机械波等物理学的基本概念和原理。 7. AP Physics 2(物理学2):备考时长约为8-10个月,内容涵盖了物理学1课程的全部内容,以及电磁学、光学等更深入的内容。 8. AP Physics C: Mechanics(物理学C力学):备考时长...
calculator volume calculator volume of a cylinder calculator z score calculator variance calculator more physics calculators power calculator voltage drop calculator chemistry calculators molarity calculator commerce class 11 commerce syllabus class 11 accountancy syllabus class 11 business studies syllabus class ...
Physics 1: Algebra-Based Seminar Friday, May 24, 2024Calculus AB Calculus BC German Language and Culture Microeconomics Music Theory Spanish Language and Culture African American Studies Comparative Government and Politics Italian Language and Culture ...
30 min. Section I Total Time: 1 hour 30 minutes Section II Total Time: 1 hour 30 minutes Calculator allowed Calculator allowed Number of Questions: 50* Number of Questions Physics 1: 5 Percent of Total Score: 50% Number of Questions Physics 2: 4 Writing Instrument: Pencil required Percent...