网址: 这个网站的学习资源只针对CAIE考试局,科目齐全,内容丰富,包括了IGCSE、A Level各个阶段的试题与答案,还提供了一些案例分析供同学参考。网站的试卷更新速度比较快,但是科目分类有点混乱,需要同学耐心...
首先肯定是刷past papers,除此之外大家还可以做一些学科思维挑战活动的题目,锻炼学科思维的灵活性,比如我当时就额外做了一些Physics Bowl的题目。 图片来源 网络 剑桥大学的面试题,基本上是大家没有见过的题目,因此积累和巩固学科相关的知识非...
PhysicsPhysics Revision GCSE / IGCSE Physics PapersComputer ScienceCIE IGCSE Computer Science (0478) pastpaper 2015-2020 CIE IGCSE Computer Science (0478) pastpaper 2021-2022 AQA International GCSE Computer Science (9210)ChineseCIE IGCSE Chinese – First Language (0509) pastpaper 2010-2022 ...
网址 revisionworld 专门做GCSE和A-level复习,学科资料比较全,有视频。 网址 这是专门针对GCSE考试复习的网站,涵盖多个学科,知识点比较全。 PapaCambridge 上面有全科每届的pastpaper和markscheme。 网址: o...
AP Physics Tutor Online Salient features of ourAP Physics Tutor Online Ability to explain complex concepts:Our AP Physics Tutor Online break down complex concepts into small chunks so they can become easily understandable. And also more manageable for the students to grasp those concepts effortlessly...
网址: revisionworld 专门做GCSE和A-level复习,学科资料比较全,有视频。 网址: 这是专门针对GCSE考试复习的网站,涵盖多个学科,知识点比较全。 PapaCambridge 上面有全科每届的pastpaper和markscheme。
上面有全科每届的pastpaper和markscheme。 网址: 02. Physics and Maths Tutor 有词汇,考纲,总结 还有测验卷。Summary 总结的很好,可以多花点时间整理复习。 网址 03. ...
AP SSC Class 10 Physics Question Paper 2022 AP Board SSC Sample Papers Solving sample papers is one of the best ways for students to prepare for the exams. It helps them understand the exam pattern, important topics to focus on, frequently asked questions etc. It also helps them practice so...
I was recently asked to contribute a short comment to Nature Reviews Physics, as part of a series of articles on fluid dynamics on the occasion of the 200th anniversary (this August) of the birthday of George Stokes. My contribution is now online as “Searching for singularities in the Navi...
physics and math tutor 网址: 虽然这个网站名称说的是物理和数学,但目前网站内容除了这两门学科外,已经涵盖了绝大多数热门学科,比如生物、化学、英语、心理学、计算机。 其中Revision部分不仅梳理了每...