2. 报名流程 Step 1:加入AP CLASSROOM Get your joint code-使用AP老师给你的加入代码,在线加入他或她的班级。 Sign in to AP-使用你的CollegeBoard用户名和密码登录到MY AP。如果还没注册CollegeBoard账号,请先注册。 或者进入网页版操作: Choose to join a course-点击Join a course or exam按钮; 或者进入...
AP Chinese Language and Culture, AP Japanese Language and Culture和以前一样,用考场的电脑进行考试。其他带有音频考试的科目(AP World Language, AP Spanish Literature and Culture, AP Music Theory)和不进行线下考试的科目(AP Art and Design, AP Research)没...
AP Chinese Language and Culture, AP Japanese Language and Culture和以前一样,用考场的电脑进行考试。其他带有音频考试的科目(AP World Language, AP Spanish Literature and Culture, AP Music Theory)和不进行线下考试的科目(AP Art a...
AP Music Theory Explore the best-selling text that has been a classroom favorite and market leader for decades. For AP Music Theory Tonal Harmony (Kostka) ©2024 9e, Link will open in a new window Additional Visual and Performing Arts Titles From Our Partners at Higher Ed* ...
ic Theory Classroom Interactive Technology in the AP Music Theory ClassroomInteractive Technology in the AP Music Theory ClassroomEric Griffin
Students can find information about AP courses and exams, access AP Classroom resources such as AP Daily videos, and view their AP Exam scores.
Students can find information about AP courses and exams, access AP Classroom resources such as AP Daily videos, and view their AP Exam scores.
Students can find information about AP courses and exams, access AP Classroom resources such as AP Daily videos, and view their AP Exam scores.
Students can find information about AP courses and exams, access AP Classroom resources such as AP Daily videos, and view their AP Exam scores.
登录AP Classroom进行练习。 2、熟悉在线考试 5月4日,CB将开放AP 2020考试演示,允许学生练习提交答案的不同方法。如果你的设备无法连接到这个演示,那么考试当天这个设备也将无法访问考试,所以我们可以趁这个机会测试设备是否可用。 AP考试只在最新版本的Chrome(推荐)、Firefox、Safari或Edge这几个浏览器中开放,而无法在...