重點是 Main router 和 2nd router 的 IP address 不能相同 (上例一個是 1 ,另一個是 2);2nd router 用的是固定 IP,不要把它設定在 Main router 的 DHCP 的 Range 裡面 (按上例就是不要設定到 100-200 之間);DHCP 的 range 也是自由的 ,定闊一點的 Range 是沒問題的 ,最重要是夠用;2nd router ...
但需要主要的是,以上各模式中的station,ap,p2p在驱动中都需要对应的网络接口的,所以如果要支持concurrent mode,你的驱动insmod后,必须吐出两个网络接口才行,如果只有一个网络接口,那肯定是不支持concurrent mode的,见下图,加载驱动后就会出现wlan0,p2p0两个网络接口。 2.1:station的启动方式 inmod wifi drivers modu...
连接无论哪一种应用环境,一旦要作为无线AP,无线路由器的In ternet 口或者称 WAN口将不再被使用。只需将无线路由器的四个LAN 口之一连接到交换机或者无线路由器等网络设备中。例如下列这种应用,只需将WGR614V5的个LAN口接至U Router的一个LAN口即可:AP(WGR614v5 <>Router<>ADSL MODE >lnternet 。除了连接...
1. If the ASUS router in Access Point (AP) mode is not connected to the parent router, can I enter the ASUS router settings page (WebGUI)? If the ASUS router is in Access Point (AP) mode and isn't linked to the parent router, neither the router nor connected devices can receive a...
How to enter the router's GUI in AP mode? After AP mode setup done, you can check if 1st AX92U is well connected and getting an IP address from the front router or not. Step1: Open the Asus Device Discovery utility and then connect your computer to the router via Wi-Fi or an Eth...
ap auth-mode命令缺省情况下为MAC认证,如果之前没有修改其缺省配置,可以不用执行ap auth-mode mac-auth。 举例中使用的AP为AP5030DN,具有射频0和射频1两个射频。AP5030DN的射频0为2.4GHz射频,射频1为5GHz射频。 [AC_1]wlan[AC_1-wlan-view]ap auth-mode mac-auth[AC_1-wlan-view]ap-id 0 ap-mac 00...
Router_0/0/29 port link-type trunk undo port trunk allow-pass vlan 1 port trunk allow-pass vlan 760 820 # interface GigabitEthernet1/1/1/7 mad detect mode direct # interface GigabitEthernet2/1/0/18 description Connect to Router_0/0/30 port link-type trunk undo port trunk allow-pass ...
3. CheckControl the system mode by software, chooseWISP Client Routermode you need and then clickNext. Note: When the box for Control the system mode by software is checked, the operation mode switch on the router will be disabled. If you want to enable it, please log in to the web ...
3. CheckControl the system mode by software, chooseRepeatermode you need and then clickNext. Note: When the box for Control the system mode by software is checked, the operation mode switch on the router will be disabled. If you want to enable it, please log in to the web management pa...
[Huawei]ap-mode-switchprepare##键入 Info:Prepareisok,Useap-mode-switchcommandtoswitchtofitap. [Huawei]ap-mode-switchcheck##键入 Info:Ap-mode-switchcheckok. [Huawei]ap-mode-switchtftp##键入 Info:Preparingtoupgrade.Pleasewaitamoment Warning:Systemwillreboot,ifyouwanttoswitchtoupgrade-assistant-packa...