AP微观经济模拟题题与解析2- AP Microeconomics, 2014-2015 McGraw.pdf,AP Microeconomics Practice Exam 2 ‹ 187 AP Microeconomics Practice Exam 2 Section I: Multiple-Choice Questions ANSWER SHEET 1 A B C D E 21 A B C D E 41 A B C D E 2 A B C D E 22 A B C D
APMicroeconomicsPracticeExamTwo MultipleChoice 1.IfFranciperiencesadecreaseinhisincome,thenwewouldexpectFrancis’s demandfor a.eachgoodhepurchasestoremainunchanged. b.normalgoodstodecrease. c.luxurygoodstoincrease. d.inferiorgoodstodecrease. e.tgoodstoincrease. ...
AP Microeconomics Practice AP微观经济练习题Directions:Use the graphs below to answer the questions. Make sure to explain your answer to receive full credit. The above grapsh show the market for corn. The firm is a operating in a constant-cost industry. a.What type of market does Grand ...
microeconomicsreview. Step5:BuildYourTest-TakingConfidence Inthisstepyou’llcompleteyourpreparationbytestingyourselfonpracticeexams.Thissec- tioncontainstwocompleteexamsinmicroeconomics,solutions,and,sometimesmore importantly,adviceonhowtoavoidthecommonmistakes.Onceagain,the2014–2015 ...
Microeconomics Physics 1 Physics 2 Physics C Psychology Statistics U.S. Government & Politics U.S. History World History We started this site after realizing that there are lots of great AP tests and notes online, but that they are difficult to find. Bookmark our site and you will save a...
☞ AP微观和宏观经济学的教材推荐:《AP Microeconomics / Macroeconomics with 4 Practice Tests》作者:Frank Musgrave 本书是巴朗AP系列教材之一,全书知识点章节划分清晰,详细讲解各知识点;跟考点结合较紧密,适合备考。《 5 steps to A AP Macroeconomics 》作者:Eric R. Dodge 本教材十分适合初学者入门,...
难点在于市面上的各种辅导教材与真题的相似度都太差了。但是强烈建议同学多练collegeborad出的syllabus里的模拟题,以及可以上Google网站用英语搜AP microeconomics practice test ,这样可以搜出很多跟真题相似度挺高的模拟试卷,大多会稍微偏难一点。 微观经济学考试的重点是五大公式,和十五个基本模型。题型较稳定,考点...
✅教辅推荐:Barron's AP Economics with 4 Practice Tests,7 Edition. 巴朗的教材内容全面,内容上更新比较及时,内容更贴合考纲,包含图像说明,强调考试所用的公式,知识点概念讲解详细,有许多的练习题目,比较适合初学者学习,也很适合综合复习,。 ✅教辅推荐:5 Steps to a 5 AP Microeconomics, McGraw-Hill Educat...
《AP Microeconomics / Macroeconomics with 4 Practice Tests》 作者:Frank Musgrave 本书是巴朗AP系列教材之一,全书知识点章节划分清晰,详细讲解各知识点;跟考点结合较紧密,适合备考。 《5 steps to A AP Macroeconomics》 作者:Eric R. Dodge...