二、N22023年AP微观经济及宏观经济 The AP Microeconomics & Macroeconomics Exam assesses student understanding of the skills and learning objectives outlined in the course framework. The exam is 2 hours and 10 minutes long and includes 60 multiple-choice questions and 3 free- response questions. Starti...
Environmental Science: 4.4 – Quite Easy, but unusual to score a 5 Microeconomics: 4.4 – Quite Easy US Government and Politics: 4.4 – Quite Easy Macroeconomics: 4.6 – Quite Easy Statistics: 4.8 – Quite Easy Seminar: 5.0 – ...
心理,美国政府等科目,下面是CB官方公布的2023年所有社会科学(social science)类,考生们的得分情况。
The AP Microeconomics Exam includes two sections. The first section contains 60 multiple-choice questions. The second section is the free-response section, which includes one long question and two short questions. Below is a detailed breakdown of both the multiple choice and free-response sections....
微观经济学(Microeconomics) 意大利语言和文化(Italian Language and Culture) 美国历史(United States History) 以下科目只能在延迟考试报名: 法语语言和文化(French Language and Culture) 宏观经济学(Macroeconomics) 物理C:电学和磁学(Physics C: El...
AP Microeconomics Prep 教育 Bar Exam Buddy 2022-2023 教育 Environmental Science Buddy 教育 AP European History Prep 教育 PictoPrompt- AI Art Generator 图形与设计 MS Earth Science Prep 教育 MS Life Science Prep 2022-2023 教育 AI Reef Cam
AP Microeconomics Exam Add to Calendar Exam Format The AP Microeconomics Exam includes two sections. The first section contains 60 multiple-choice questions. The second section is the free-response section, which includes one long question and two short questions. Below is a detailed breakdown ...
Microeconomics: 4.4 – Quite Easy US Government and Politics: 4.4 – Quite Easy Macroeconomics: 4.6 – Quite Easy 关于以上被同学们评为最容易的AP科目,你需要了解的一些深层含义: ①AP中文 通常都是熟悉汉语的人选修的,这可以解释为什么它被认为很容易(10分中的3.9分),学习速度也很快(10分中的3.5分),并...
以下4门科目只能在常规考试报名:生物学(Biology)微观经济学(Microeconomics)意大利语言和文化(Italian Language and Culture)美国历史(United States History) 以下科目只能在延迟考试报名:法语语言和文化(French Language and Culture)宏观经济学(Macroeconomics)物理C:电学和磁学(Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism)预备微...
微观经济学(Microeconomics) 意大利语言和文化(Italian Language and Culture) 美国历史(United States History) 图片以下科目只能在延迟考试报名: 法语语言和文化(French Language and Culture) 宏观经济学(Macroeconomics) 物理C:电学和磁学(Physics C:Electricity and Magnetism) ...