内容提示: Take the Diagnostic Exam ‹ 21Diagnostic Exam: Answer SheetRecord your responses to the exams in the spaces below.MICROECONOMICS—SECTION I1 A B C D E2 A B C D E3 A B C D E4 A B C D E5 A B C D E6 A B C D E7 A B C D E8 A B C D E9 A B C D E10 ...
If you are giving the alternate exam for late testing, say: E C It is Wednesday afternoon, May 22, and you will be taking the O AP Microeconomics Exam. In a moment, you will open the packet that contains your exam materials. N By opening this packet, you agree to all of the AP ...
MICROECONOMICS SECTION I Time - 70 minutes 60 Questions Directions: Each of the questionsor incomplete statements below is followed by five suggested answersor completions.Select the one that is best in each case and then fill in the corresponding oval on the answer sheet. 1. The allocation of...
Human Geography(人文地理)、 Macroeconomics(宏观经济学)Microeconomics(微观经济学)、Psychology(心理学)United States Government and Politics(美国政府与政治)、United States History(美国历史)、World History: Modern(世界历史) Math and Computer Science: Calculus AB(微积分AB)、Calculus BC(微积分BC)、Computer ...
2006 AP® MICROECONOMICS FREE-RESPONSE QUESTIONS (Form B) MICROECONOMICS Section II Planning time— 10 minutes Writing time—50 minutes Directions: You have 50 minutes to answer all three of the following questions. It is suggested that you spend approximately half your time on the first ...
微观经济 Microeconomics 两道大题 共3道题 Question 1:2道short FRQ 25分钟,占比55% 对应原来考试的FRQ 2&3 5分钟上传Q1答案,提交后不能返回修改 Question 2:1 long FRQ 15分钟,占比45% 对应原来考试的FRQ 1 5分钟上传Q2答案 考试范围:Units 1-5 ...
MICROECONOMICS SECTION I Time - 70 minutes 60 Questions Directions: Each of the questionsor incomplete statements below is followed by five suggested answersor completions.Select the one that is best in each case and then fill in the corresponding oval on the answer sheet. 1. The allocation of...
AP® Score Cancellation Form a School Code:Canceling your AP® Exam score permanently deletes it — it cannot be reinstated at a later time. Scores may be canceled at any time. However, for scores not to be sent to the college indicated on your AP answer sheet, AP Services must ...
APMicroeconomicsPracticeExam2,SectionI Multiple-Choice Time—1hourand10minutes 60questions Forthemultiple-choicequestionsthatfollow,selectthebestanswerandfillintheappropriateletteronthe answersheet. 1.Land,labor,capitalandentrepreneurialtalentareCrabs oftenreferredtoas ...