《5 Steps to a 5 AP Chemistry》《Chemistry The Central Science》经济《Barron’s AP Economics with 4 Practice Tests》《5 Steps to a 5 AP Microeconomics》《5 Steps to a 5 AP Microeconomics 2022》《AP Macroeconomics Course and Exam description》这只是部分,还有更多科目已经整理好了,希望可以辅助到...
强烈建议作为备考参考教材。 3、 Barron's AP Economics with 4 Practice Tests 这本书比较与时俱进,跟最新考纲的贴合程度和匹配度会相对比较高。 4、5 Steps to a 5 AP Macroeconomics 这本书中提供了很多题目帮助大家进行练习,想要大量刷题的同学可选择这本。 5 、自学网站 Jacob Clifford 官网链接:https://...
目录:STEP 1 Set Up Your Study Program 1 What You Need to Know About the AP Macroeconomics Exam 3 2 How to Plan Your Time 12 STEP 2 Determine Your Test Readiness 3 Take the Diagnostic Exam 19 Diagnostic Exam: AP Macroeconomics 23 STEP 3 Develop Strategies for Success 4 How to Approach E...
For purposes of test security and/or statistical analysis, some questions have been removed from the version of the exam that was administered in 2015. Therefore, the timing indicated here may not be appropriate for a practice exam. ® AP MacroeconomicsExam SECTION I: Multiple Choice 2015 DO...
3、 Barron's AP Economics with 4 Practice Tests 这本书比较与时俱进,跟最新考纲的贴合程度和匹配度会相对比较高。 4、5 Steps to a 5 AP Macroeconomics 这本书中提供了很多题目帮助大家进行练习,想要大量刷题的同学可选择这本。 5 、自学网站
Principles of Macroeconomics AP 计算机科学 A AP计算机A满分率在25%-30%之间,对于计算机学科有兴趣的同学,花点时间得到一个有效分数,不仅对申请有所裨益,还对未来各专业发展提供一项支撑性技能。 准备AP计算机A考试,推荐使用《巴朗AP计算机A》这本考试辅导书: ...
You'll sharpen your subject knowledge, strengthen your thinking skills, and build your test-taking confidence with Full-length practice exams modeled on the real test All the terms and concepts you need to know to get your best score Your choice of three customized study schedules--so you can...
Microeconomics & Macroeconomics 综合了解: AP micro和macro的难易程度是非常非常简单的,以至于学习的时间不会很长。如果你是跟着高中一起来上AP micro和macro的课程,每一科花费的时间差不多半年左右就可以满分拿下。 学习参考资料: 腾讯视频和油管上CB官方的AP课程:非常全,所有的考点都有讲到,经济讲得很详细。学到...
APMACROECONOMICS SectionNumberofQuestionsTimeLimit I.Multiple-ChoiceQuestions601hourand10minutes II.Free-ResponseQuestions3Planningtime:10minutes Writingtime:50minutes APMICROECONOMICS SectionNumberofQuestionsTimeLimit I.Multiple-ChoiceQuestions601hourand10minutes II.Free-ResponseQuestions3Planningtime:10minutes Writi...