强烈建议作为备考参考教材。 3、 Barron's AP Economics with 4 Practice Tests 这本书比较与时俱进,跟最新考纲的贴合程度和匹配度会相对比较高。 4、5 Steps to a 5 AP Macroeconomics 这本书中提供了很多题目帮助大家进行练习,想要大量刷题的同学可选择这本。 5 、自学网站 Jacob Clifford 官网链接:https://...
3、 Barron's AP Economics with 4 Practice Tests 这本书比较与时俱进,跟最新考纲的贴合程度和匹配度会相对比较高。 4、5 Steps to a 5 AP Macroeconomics 这本书中提供了很多题目帮助大家进行练习,想要大量刷题的同学可选择这本。 5 、自学网站 Jacob Clifford 官网链接:https://www.youtube.com/c/ACDCLe...
AP English Literature FRQ1和2的rubric基本一致;评分标准主要分为三部分:1. thesis 2. evidence and commentary 3. sophistication。其中第二部分为学生需要重点阐述的部分。 对于所有的问题类型都需要做到可以阐述3个问题: 1. Level 1: Facts (文本的basic information ...
AP Macroeconomics的考试体系重在对经济学思维的考察,经济学家思考问题的独特性,也就是贯穿整个学科边际分析(marginal analysis),所以AP课程的重点就是强化学生对边际分析的理解,熟悉及运用。 在留美汇国际课程辅导官网我们可以看到 AP宏观经济培训课程是为了让学生学习不同的经济原理是如何应用到整体经济系统中的,课程内容...
(3)题目 FRQ 3 考察内容:①total revenue的计算 ②Deadweight loss的计算 ③price floor对于quantity...
AP微观经济学 2015年真题 (选择题+问答题) AP Microeconomics 2015 Released Exam and Answers (MCQ+FRQ).pdf,AP® Microeconomics Practice Exam From the 2015 Administration This Practice Exam is provided by the College Board for AP Exam preparation. Teacher
AP Macroeconomics_ Practice FRQs on Unit 3 - National Income and Price Determina 30:25 AP Macroeconomics_ Practice FRQs on Unit 4 - Financial Sector 45:23 AP Macroeconomics_ Practice FRQs on Unit 5 - Long-Run Consequences of Stabilizat 27:10 AP Macroeconomics_ Timed AP Exam Practice 59:...
approaches (e.g., activity Complete Personal Progress Check FRQ for Unit 6. or assignment) describing Take Unit 6 Test. how students will engage with one skill (either skill Skills 1.A, 1.B, 1.C, or 1.D) in Skill Category 1. The AP Macroeconomics course provides opportunities for ...
Currently, the College Board has AP Macroeconomics FRQ from2021as well as1999-2019. That's dozens of free-response questions for you to review and try out! The AP Macro exam was updated in 2019, so we recommend focusing on the most recent FRQ, but the free-response question format and ...