Plain Radiography of the Lumbosacral Spine: A Study Comparing the Ability of AP and PA Lumbar Radiographs to Demonstrate AnatomyJones, JonathanBrooks, AlanReznek, Rodney
and they are asked to stop breathing to obtain precise exposures. Most technicians take 3-5 pictures. In patients with suspected fracture, the lumbar spine supine with a horizontal beam will be used instead. The gonads are shielded. The patient is asked to inhale and exhale and hold their br...
flexes the spine laterally, extends the lumbar spine Deltoid prime mover of arm abduction, favorite injection site biceps brachii Prime mover for flexion of the forearm, supination Brachialis Prime mover in elbow flexion, lifts the ulna as the biceps lift the radius ...
4 slight bends called normal curves when spine is viewed from sideview. Relative to the front of the body, the CERVICAL (neck area) and LUMBAR (lower back) curves are convex (bulging out) and the THORACIC (mid-back) and SACRAL (tailbone) curves are concave. The curves help with:STRENGT...