该策略基于AP的位置进行控制,因此客户端必须通过无线接入网络。当客户端移动到其他位置时,位置信息可以随之更改。位置信息类型包括AP Name、AP Group、AP Location、AP邻居。其中,AP Name、AP Group、AP Location在网络中部署AP时指定,AP邻居由AP自行发现。有以下两种控制策略。
dhcp option82{circuit-id|remote-id}format{ap-mac[mac-format{normal|compact|hex|colon} ] [user-definedtext] |ap-mac-ssid[mac-format{normal|compact|colon} ] [user-definedtext] |user-definedtext|ap-name[user-definedtext] |ap-name-ssid[user-definedtext]|ap-location[user-definedtext] |ap-lo...
2. Import APScheduledLocationManager and CoreLocation import APScheduledLocationManager import CoreLocation 3. Create instance of APScheduledLocationManager let manager = APScheduledLocationManager(delegate: self) 4. Confirm to APScheduledLocationManagerDelegate func scheduledLocationManager(_ manager: APScheduledLo...
dependencies{ implementation'com.github.appoly:ARCore-Location:1.0.6'} Using the library It's highly reccomended to use the example project as a reference. To implement this library into one of your AR projects, do the following. Step 1. ...
Key words :indoor location;AP position optimization;simulated annealing algorithm;simplex method;embedded system;spectrum analyzer and measuring receiver 0 引言 位置指纹定位[1]是目前室内定位中应用较多的定位方式,其在线定位阶段中检测值与数据库快速匹配决定了定位效率,而聚类算法[2]能降低大量数据的维度,减少匹...
The government seized the AP equipment from a location in southern Israel after accusing it of violating a new media law.
[AC-wlan-st-1] client forwarding-location ap # 开启无线服务模板。 [AC-wlan-st-1] service-template enable [AC-wlan-st-1] quit (3) 配置AP 在大规模组网时,推荐在AP组内进行配置。 # 创建手工AP,名称为officeap,型号名称为WA6320。 [AC] wlan ap officeap model WA6320 ...
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Google has revised an erroneous description on its website of how its "Location History" setting works, clarifying that it continues to track users even if they've disabled the setting.
Ruijie(config-ap)# location 2-floor !配置AP2 的radio1 的频段为5G Ruijie(config-ap)# radio-type 1 802.11a 配置WLAN 基础 1-30 !配置AP2 加入AP 组“group2” Ruijie(config-ap)# ap-group group2 CAPWAP组播典型配置举例 2.3.1组网拓扑 ...
[AC-wlan-st-1] client forwarding-location ap # 开启无线服务模板。 [AC-wlan-st-1] service-template enable [AC-wlan-st-1] quit (3) 配置AP 在大规模组网时,推荐在AP组内进行配置。 # 创建手工AP,名称为ap1,型号名称为WA6320H。 [AC] wlan ap ap1 model WA6320H ...