Start Your Free Practice Test AP English Literature and Composition Practice Test Answered 0 of 9 questions 0 questions correct0 questions incorrect 1.Which of the following literary devices is used in this sentence? ''His heart was broken like a shattered glass jar.'' ...
The Princeton Review offers several free AP test prep options. Sign up for a free AP practice test online to discover your strengths and weaknesses.
Albert AP English Literature Quizzes Albert将测验分为文章、诗词与戏剧类,如同Varsity Tutors,这个网站也有提供节录的文章的出处 (名称、日期与作者),Albert网站所训练的技巧通常跟AP考试差不多,只是出题方式不同。 High School Test Prep Tests 这个网站提供多选题 (Multiple-Choice Practice),也提供文章的名称与...
Kaplan Test Prep offers test preparation, practice tests and private tutoring for more than 90 standardized tests.
AP World History Course AP English Language Course AP English Literature Course Admissions Consulting Unlimited Prep AP Tutoring More AP World History Qbank AP Books AP Free Practice AP Test Dates What Are AP Exams? 1-800-KAP-TEST Get the tips and strategies you need to prepare for your AP...
Practice Quiz presents 20 free review questions and explanations for the AP English Literature and Composition test given by the College Board.
Biology | Calculus AB | Calculus BC | Chemistry | English Language | English Literature | European History | U.S. History | World History Spring Checkpoint The spring practice test provides the first indicator of your final 1-5 score and covers everything through March. It includes a practice...
High school students are the typical AP test takers, as AP classes are offered in either their high school or a participating school. For example, students take AP biology courses instead of the standard biology course and take the AP exam at the end of the course. However, anyone seeking ...
AP Practice Exams is a free online directory of practice tests, notes, study guides, videos, and multiple choice questions. A long list of resources for each AP test. Start your test prep and review right here.
What about English Language and Literature? While there are unit for both of these classes, they are more general, like “explain the function of plot” and tend to all be covered throughout the course. What is covered in the full practice tests?