2025年AP机考科目 AP African American Studies (first year this exam is available to all U.S. schools) AP Computer Science Principles AP English Language and Composition AP English Literature and Composition AP European History AP Psycholog...
2025年AP机考科目 AP African American Studies (first year this exam is available to all U.S. schools) AP Computer Science Principles AP English Language and Composition AP English Literature and Composition AP European History AP Psychology (first year this exam is offered in digital format) AP S...
社科里面可以考经济和各种历史,USHistory含金量最高也最难;9/10年级可以开始自学政府、心理学、环境科学,一年自学不建议超过两个科目,数理化可以考一两门,另外可考英语literature。 注意:AP微积分、AP统计学、AP化学、AP物理、AP生物可以使用计算器;其中AP微积分、AP统计学需要使用图形计算器,一般推荐型号是TI系列的...
2020年受COVID-19的影响 大学理事会(College Board)在三月中旬时 发布消息 称一年一度的 Advance Placement Exam将全新改革 不仅将其变化为45分钟的线上考试 考纲也做出了适当删减 至于具体的考试时间及考试细节 将于4月3日发出 大家都在等着4月3日进一步披露考试细节 官方突然宣布 AP确认开卷考试 (来自The Play...
Course Summary Build your confidence for the AP English Literature exam by reviewing the materials in this course and study guide. If you want to gain a higher score on the exam, these short lessons and quizzes offer a flexible and convenient method of self-paced study....
Spanish Literature and Culture (12PM Local Time) Find the Right AP Tutor AP Test Schedule: Week 2 Test DateExam Subject & Time of Exam May 13, 2024 Calculus AB (8AM Local Time) Calculus BC (8AM Local Time) Italian Language and Culture (12PM Local Time) ...
Unfortunately, by offering just one FRQ on the Literature exam this year, some students received a prompt that felt easier or harder than the prompt that others received. It is now clear that giving a range of prompts on the same test date was one of the security measures that College ...
斯代文森美国课程-《标准化考试及AP系列》之“AP冲高分”课程:AP English Literature & Composition 乐学AP,斯代文森为学生教授最高标准认证美国课程(WASC, Cognia,UC Doorways A~G及AP大学理事会 ) 展开更多 英语 考试 知识 校园学习 课程 留学 AP
Students enrolled in an Advanced Placement (AP) English Literature and Composition course can use the Study.com AP English Literature practice exam to prepare for the test. Learners who used Study.com have saved over 280 million dollars in college tuition. Our practice tests make it easy to bui...
【英字/edX】英语文学与作品:戏剧( English Literature & Composition – Part 3: Plays)(AP课)共计5条视频,包括:前言 Welcome to the Course、W1- How do we understand the play?、W1-复习:关于细读文本等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。