CrackAP has over 40 short AP Lit quizzes.Each quiz gives a passage then has 15 multiple-choice questions on it. The questions are somewhat easier than you'll find on the real AP exam, but if you need some quick practice, this can do the trick. This resource also has examples of pas...
First, we'll go over what the multiple-choice section looks like—the nuts and bolts. Then, I'll reveal the eight types of multiple-choice questions you can expect to encounter, and how to succeed on them. Next will come study tips, multiple-choice practice resources, and finally things ...
After the sample questions, teachers will find a table that shows which science practice(s), learning objective(s), and unit each question relates to. The table also provides the answers to the multiple-choice questions. Section I: Multiple-Choice Questions The following are examples of the ...
essential questions and model answers, and a bulleted list of key concepts• Easily flag each topic as mastered or to be studiedMultiple Choice• Answer realistic AP exam-style multiple choice questions in three modes• Full Simulation mode offers a full exam with timer and AP weighting sche...
有时候一个choice看起来特别对,但是可能这个statement所用一个单词就会让它不成立。我今年的AP Lit老师...
Check your knowledge of this course with a practice test Comprehensive test covering all topics in AP English Literature Study Guide and Exam Prep Take multiple tests with new questions Detailed video explanations for wrong answers Take Practice Test Trustpilot...
practice of not using the formal word for an object or subject and instead referring to it by using another word that is intricately linked to the formal name or word. It is the practice of substituting the main word with a word that is closely linked to itexample: when we use the name...
The emotional nod created by the entirety of a literary work, established partly by the setting and partly by the author's choice of objects that are described. Even the description of weather can contribute. Caricature a verbal description, the purpose of which is to exaggerate or distort, fo...
Multiple Choice and Essays. S e c t io n I , M u lt ip le C h o ic e , t y p ic a lly h a s b e t w e e n 50 a n d 60 q u e s t io n s d iv id e d a m o n g f iv e o r s ix p r o s e p a s s a g e s . T h is s e c t...
Essay Questions Each question has an introductory blurb that helps set context for the question. These blurbs offer important information that can help the student succeed. It is important to analyze the question, mark up the given text, and write a plan before beginning to write the essay. ...