布朗大学的Bailey老师梳理了最近三年(2016-2019)的AP英语文学真题,盘点出了最常涉及的文学作品,我们一起来看看吧。 1. Free Response Question# 3 AP英语文学考试主要由选择题和主观写作题两大部分构成。对国内学生而言,最难的部分非主观写作题莫属...
1. Free Response Question# 3 AP英语文学考试主要由选择题和主观写作题两大部分构成。对国内学生而言,最难的部分非主观写作题莫属。 AP文学与作文考试的主观题有三个问题。学生们有两个小时的写作时间,大约四十分钟来写一篇文章。问题1考的是诗歌,问题2考的是散文,问题3则是开放性的。对于最后一道主观题,一般...
第一题考纲原文:Free-response question 1: Interpreting and Evaluating Experimental Results is an 8 to 10-point question that presents students with an authentic scenario accompanied by data in a table and/or graph. This question assesses student ability to do the following in four question parts:...
第四题考纲中原文: Free-response question 4: Conceptual Analysis is a 4-point question that presents students with an authentic scenario describing a biological phenomenon with a disruption. This question assesses students’ ability to do the following in four question parts: Part A (1 point): De...
1.2857*(multiple choice score out of 35) + free response score out of 45 (3 questions worth 15 points each)1998 Mechanics:5 55-904 43-543 32-422 21-311 0-201998 E&M:5 49-904 35-483 26-342 15-251 0-14AP ...
College Board官网可下载到Free Response的真题,多做多练。 三、学科大纲 一般AP课程的老师都会整理知识教学大纲,强烈建议学生在看教材书的时候自己整理知识点大纲。在研究真题的时候,将题目与知识点纲进行关联,结合大纲针对性复习。择由为学生整理了各科的学习指南,帮助学生在备考内容、备考时间和备考资源上进行整合和...
C 4.2 4.E.3.5 3 Free-Response Science Learning Question Question Type Question Part Practice Objective Unit 1 Experimental (A) 4.2 7.A.3.2 2 Design (B) 4.2 7.A.3.2 2 (C) 5.1 7.A.3.3 2 (D) 5.1 7.A.3.3 2 (E) 6.4 7.A.3.1 2 2 Short Answer (A) 2.2 3.C.2.3 3 (B) 1....
5.0 (176) 100/hour 785 hours tutoring Response time: 44 minutes View Melissa's profile Easy to relate to, Excellent with material... We can't say enough great things about Melissa. First, she was easy to connect with and very easy to schedule our first session with. She gave us lots...
HUNTINGTON, W.Va. (AP) — It was after midnight when she crept down the narrow, dimly lit stairs carrying a bag of dirty laundry. She crossed under a patchwork of pipes and ducts to the far back corner of the basement, as she had done many times before. That, she said, is where ...
To Zhao, who has been writing extensively for about three years—primarily poetry—she enjoys unrhymed free verse but sometimes likes to experiment with different structures. “I don’t write nearly as often as I would like to, but I can write at least...